Portrait-Sitting Database
Academic Gown
Acceptance, Reassurance or Acknowledgement
Access Channel
Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Agent Role
Anticipated Event
Anticipated Role
Architectural Model
Arms Closed
Arms Open
Art Event
Art Object
Art Object Role
Business Event
Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Cafe, Restaurant or Pub
Catalogue Entry
Ceremonial Dress
Cigarette or Cigar
Colour Palette
Companion Portrait
Condition State
Consumable (Object)
Coronation Dress
Costume in Portrait Production Event
Costume in Portrait Object
Creative Work, Intellectual Property or Rights
Credible Author
Decision Maker
Degree of Remove
Design Factor
Desk Work
Diary Entry
Dictating Letters
Document (Object)
Drawing (Object)
Drawing Room
Drink or Meal (Event)
Essential Role
Event Role
External (Request)
Financial Event
Finished State
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Food or Drink
Format (Figure)
Format or Size
Format (Size)
Friendship (Event)
Fund or Bequest
Garter Robes
Gaze Down
Gaze Up
Gender Identity
Gift (Event)
Gift Giver
Gift Recipient
Gift (Role)
Given Role
Group Subject
Health Event
Home or Hotel
Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Individual Subject
Information or Ideas
Information Object
Intangible Object
Internal (Ambition)
Interview Transcript
Knighthood (Event)
Lecture Theatre
Literary Event
Literary Object
Literary Work (Content)
Loan (Event)
Loan (Role)
Location in Portrait Production Event
Location in Portrait Object
Logistical Factor
Mark-Making Style
Mayoral Robes
Military Uniform
Music Event
Music Object
Negative Feeling
Negative Opinion
Negative Reception
Non-Essential Role
Object Role
Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Organisation (Agent)
Outdoor Space
Painting (Object)
Painting (Activity)
Person (Agent)
Personal Object
Person Group (Agent)
Person Role
Playing an Instrument
Political Event
Portrait Acquisition
Portrait Commission
Portrait Construction
Portrait Destruction
Portrait Display
Portrait Event
Portrait Inception
Portrait Meeting
Portrait Object
Portrait Pitch
Portrait Presentation
Portrait Production
Portrait Production Role
Portrait Reception
Portrait Reproduction
Portrait Review
Portrait Sitting
Portrait-Sitting Account
Portrait Sitting Proper
Portrait-Sitting Record
Pose in Portrait Production Event
Pose in Portrait Object
Positive Feeling
Positive Opinion
Positive Reception
Potential Role
Precious Metal
Presentation Portrait
Press Article
Prop in Portrait Production Event
Prop in Portrait Object
Publication Status
Purchase (Event)
Purchase (Role)
Realised Event
Realised Role
Receiving Treatment
Reception Room
Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Sheet Music
Signed Object
Social Event
Social Information Object
Socio-Economic Descriptor
Source Format
Subject in Portrait Object
Subjective Event
Sum of Money
Tangible Object
Throne Room
Town or Village
Transfer to Institution
Transfer to Person
Travel Event
Unrealised Event
Unrealised Role
Using the Telephone
Valuable Object
Visit or Stay
Weather Event
Writing Implement
date URL accessed
end page in source
has approximate age in years
has approximate duration in months
has approximate number of sittings
has approximate sitting duration in hours
has archive reference
has current title
has depth in mm
has diameter in mm
has dimension in mm
has given date
has height in mm
has image credit line
has interpreted date
has PSE date
has PSE value (£ in 2017)
has text
has title
has URL
has value
has width in mm
has year of birth
has year of death
in archive
start page in source
access channel for
accessed in format
accessed via
anticipated by
art object role in
atypically played by
atypically plays
author or speaker in
borrowed by
coincides with
collection currently includes
colour palette of
condition state of
degree of remove of
derivative of
described by
determined by
during which happens
editor of
engaged to
event role in
felt by
finished state of
format figure of
format of
gender identity of
gifted by
gifted to
given by
happens after
happens before
happens during
has art object role
has author or speaker
has child
has colour palette
has companion
has condition state
has current collection
has degree of remove
has derivative
has editor
has event role
has finished state
first published
has format (figure)
has friend
has gender identity
has interviewer or recipient
has mark-making style
has medium
has member
has object role
has occupation
has parent
has portrait object
has portrait production
has portrait-sitting account
has protagonist
has publication status
has publisher
has related agent
has related art object
has related collection
has related event
has related role
has replica
has reproduction
has role
has social connection to
has socio-economic descriptor
has source
has spouse
has study
has sub-event
has (to give)
has topic
has unit
has version
held by
included in
interviewer or recipient in
in which situated
irreplaceably played by
irreplaceably plays
is gifted
is near
knowingly played by
knowingly plays
known about by
knows about
lent by
mark-making style of
medium of
member of
object role in
occupation of
partially determined by
partially determines
played by
portrait object in
portrait production in
portrait-sitting account in
possibly played by
possibly plays
potentially given by
potentially received by
prompted by
protagonist in
publication status of
publisher of
realisation of
realised in
received by
(record) has related art object
relates to record
replica of
reproduction of
role in
situated in
socio-economic descriptor of
sold by
sold to
solely determined by
solely determines
source of
stands to receive
study for
sub-event of
topic of
typically played by
typically plays
unit of
unknowingly played by
unknowingly plays
version of
Painting of Augustus John (NPG)
Painting of Gertrude Jekyll (NPG)
Painting of Marie Tempest (NPG)
Painting of Michael Foster (NPG)
Painting of Royal Family (NPG)
Painting of William Holman Hunt (NPG)
Painting of James Joyce (NPG)
Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon (NPG)
Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon (NPG)
Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon (NPG)
Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon (NPG)
Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon (NPG)
Painting of Gerald Tyrwhitt-Wilson (NPG)
Painting of William De Morgan (NPG)
Bust of Johnston Forbes-Robertson (NPG)
Drawing of William Poel (NPG)
Drawing of William Poel (NPG)
Drawing of William Poel (NPG)
Drawing of William Poel (NPG)
Drawing of William Poel (NPG)
Drawing of William Poel (NPG)
Drawing of William Poel (NPG)
Drawing of William Poel (NPG)
Drawing of William Poel (NPG)
Drawing of William Poel (NPG)
Painting of William Poel (NPG)
Drawing of William Poel (NPG)
Painting of Luke Fildes (NPG)
Bust of Virginia Woolf (NPG)
Painting of Arthur Bliss (NPG)
Painting of Gertrude Jekyll's Boots (Tate)
Painting of Anna Knight (Tate)
Painting of Thomas Carlyle (Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum)
Painting of Gertrude Jekyll (Godalming Museum)
Painting of Bernard Law Montgomery (NPG)
Painting of Bernard Law Montgomery (Royal Regiment of Fusiliers Museum)
Medal of George Meredith (NPG)
Master Medal of George Meredith
Bust of Augustus John (NPG)
Bust of Augustus John (National Museum Wales)
Bust of Augustus John (Glasgow Museums Resource Centre)
Master Bust of Augustus John
Medal of John Galsworthy (NPG)
Medal of John Galsworthy (University of Birmingham)
Medal of Ada Galsworthy (University of Birmingham)
Master Medal of John Galsworthy
Medal of Thomas Hardy (NPG)
Medal of Thomas Hardy (NPG)
Master Medal of Thomas Hardy
Medal of William Henry Hudson (NPG)
Master Medal of William Henry Hudson
Medal of Joseph Conrad (NPG)
Master Medal of Joseph Conrad
Medal of Arnold Bennett (NPG)
Master Medal of Arnold Bennett
Medal of Robert Bridges (NPG)
Medal of Robert Bridges (NPG)
Master Medal of Robert Bridges
Medal of G. K. Chesterton (NPG)
Master Medal of G. K. Chesterton
Medal of William Henry Davies (NPG)
Master Medal of William Henry Davies
Medal of Walter de la Mare (NPG)
Master Medal of Walter de la Mare
Medal of John Ervine (NPG)
Master Medal of John Ervine
Medal of Ralph Hodgson (NPG)
Medal of Ralph Hodgson (NPG)
Master Medal of Ralph Hodgson
Medal of A. E. Housman (NPG)
Master Medal of A. E. Housman
Medal of John Masefield (NPG)
Medal of John Masefield (NPG)
Master Medal of John Masefield
Medal of H. G. Wells (NPG)
Master Medal of H. G. Wells
Bust of R. B. Cunninghame Graham (NPG)
Bust of R. B. Cunninghame Graham (Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum)
Bust of R. B. Cunninghame Graham (Manchester Art Gallery)
Bust of R. B. Cunninghame Graham (Scottish National Portrait Gallery)
Bust of Robert Bontine Cunninghame Graham (Aberdeen Art Gallery)
Master Bust of R. B. Cunninghame Graham
Bust of Joseph Conrad (NPG)
Bust of Joseph Conrad (Canterbury Museums and Galleries)
Bust of Joseph Conrad (Manchester Art Gallery)
Bust of Joseph Conrad (Salford Museum and Art Gallery)
Master Bust of Joseph Conrad
Bust of T. S. Eliot (NPG)
Bust of T. S. Eliot (Merton College, Oxford)
Bust of T. S. Eliot (The New Art Gallery Walsall)
Master Bust of T. S. Eliot
Painting of Michael Foster (Royal Society)
Painting of the Royal Family (Ulster Museum)
Painting of the Royal Family (Royal Collection)
Painting of John Cowans (Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery)
Painting of Guilhermina Suggia (Tate)
Painting of Guilhermina Suggia (National Museum Wales)
Drawing of Guilhermina Suggia (The Ingram Collection of Modern British and Contemporary Art)
Drawing of Guilhermina Suggia (Tate)
Painting of Lord Leverhulme (Bolton Town Hall)
Painting of George Saintsbury (Merton College, Oxford)
Painting of Dylan Thomas (NPG)
Painting of Dylan Thomas (National Museum Wales)
Painting of King George VI (Royal Collection)
Painting of Queen Elizabeth (Royal Collection)
Painting of Queen Elizabeth (NPG)
Painting of King George VI (NPG)
Painting of Queen Elizabeth (NPG)
Print of Queen Elizabeth (Royal Collection)
Print of Queen Elizabeth (Royal Collection)
Print of King George VI (Royal Collection)
Print of King George VI (Royal Collection)
Print of King George VI (Royal Collection)
Print of King George VI (Royal Collection)
Print of Queen Elizabeth (Royal Collection)
Print of Queen Elizabeth (Royal Collection)
Bust of Cecil Beaton (NPG)
Photograph of Frank Dobson with Bust of Cecil Beaton (NPG)
Master Bust of Cecil Beaton
Bust of William Henry Davies (NPG)
Bust of William Henry Davies (Newport Museum and Art Gallery)
Master Bust of William Henry Davies
Painting of Prince Edward (NPG)
Painting of Emma Maud McCarthy (NPG)
Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams (NPG)
Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams (University of York)
Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams (Arts Council Collection)
Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams (University of Aberdeen)
Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams (Manchester Art Gallery)
Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams (Royal College of Music)
Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams (Southampton City Art Gallery)
Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams (The Higgins Bedford)
Master Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams
Bust of Jawaharlal Nehru (NPG)
Bust of Jawaharlal Nehru (Derby Museum and Art Gallery)
Master Bust of Jawaharlal Nehru
Painting of Arthur Thomas Sloggett (NPG)
Painting of James Joyce (UCL Art Museum)
Master Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon
Painting of Somerset Maugham (Tate)
Photograph of Graham Sutherland with painting of Somerset Maugham (NPG)
Photograph of Graham Sutherland and Somerset Maugham (NPG)
Drawing of Somerset Maugham (Fitzwilliam Museum)
Sketchbook of Drawings of Somerset Maugham (NPG)
Drawing of Somerset Maugham (NPG)
Painting of Winston Churchill (Destroyed)
Painting of Winston Churchill (NPG)
Painting of Winston Churchill (NPG)
Drawing of Winston Churchill (NPG)
Drawing of Winston Churchill (NPG)
Drawing of Winston Churchill (NPG)
Sketchbook of Drawings of Winston Churchill (NPG)
Photograph of Graham Sutherland, Kathleen Sutherland and Winston Churchill (NPG)
Negatives of Graham Sutherland, Kathleen Sutherland and Winston Churchill (NPG)
Negatives of Graham Sutherland, Kathleen Sutherland and Winston Churchill (NPG)
Negatives of Graham Sutherland, Kathleen Sutherland and Winston Churchill (NPG)
Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams (NPG)
Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams (Royal College of Music)
Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams (British Library)
Master Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams
Painting of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson (NPG)
Painting of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson (Royal Free Hospital)
Painting of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson (UCLH Arts Store)
Master Bust of Johnston Forbes-Robertson
Painting of Iris Tree (Reading Museum and Town Hall)
Painting of Iris Tree (Tate)
Bust of Michael Balcon (NPG)
Master Bust of Michael Balcon
Bust of Virginia Woolf (Swindon Museum and Art Gallery)
Bust of Virginia Woolf (British Library)
Master Bust of Virginia Woolf
Painting of Jean Simmons (NPG)
Painting of William Walton (NPG)
Painting of Henry Wood (NPG)
Painting of Henry Wood (Royal Academy of Music)
Painting of T. S. Eliot (NPG)
Bust of Winston Churchill (NPG)
Bust of Winston Churchill (Government Art Collection)
Bust of Winston Churchill (Parliamentary Art Collection)
Bust of Winston Churchill (Parliamentary Art Collection)
Sculpture of Winston Churchill (Parliamentary Art Collection)
Bust of Winston Churchill (Imperial War Museums)
Bust of Winston Churchill (Government Art Collection)
Master Sculpture of Winston Churchill
Bust of Thomas Beecham (NPG)
Bust of Thomas Beecham (Aberdeen Art Gallery)
Bust of Thomas Beecham (University of York)
Master Bust of Thomas Beecham
Painting of Eleanor Rathbone (NPG)
Painting of Eleanor Rathbone (Somerville College, Oxford)
Painting of Eleanor Rathbone (Parliamentary Art Collection)
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
A Model of the Viceroy's Palace
Berners' Painting
De Morgan's Vase
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Augustus John's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Augustus John by William Orpen
Marguerite Steen's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Gertrude Jekyll by William Nicholson
Frank Salisbury's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Field Marshal Montgomery by Frank Salisbury
Theodore Spicer-Simson's Account of the Production of a Portrait of George Meredith by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Jacob Epstein's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Augustus John by Jacob Epstein
Theodore Spicer-Simson's Account of the Production of a Portrait of John Galsworthy by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Theodore Spicer-Simson's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Thomas Hardy by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Theodore Spicer-Simson's Account of the Production of a Portrait of William Henry Hudson by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Theodore Spicer-Simson's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Theodore Spicer-Simson's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Arnold Bennett by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Theodore Spicer-Simson's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Robert Bridges by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Theodore Spicer-Simson's Account of the Production of a Portrait of G. K. Chesterton by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Theodore Spicer-Simson's Account of the Production of a Portrait of W. H. Davies by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Theodore Spicer-Simson's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Walter de la Mare by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Theodore Spicer-Simson's Account of the Production of a Portrait of John Ervine by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Theodore Spicer-Simson's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Ralph Hodgson by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Theodore Spicer-Simson's Account of the Production of a Portrait of A. E. Housman by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Theodore Spicer-Simson's Account of the Production of a Portrait of John Masefield by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Theodore Spicer-Simson's Account of the Production of a Portrait of H. G. Wells by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Jacob Epstein's Account of the Production of a Portrait of R. B. Cunninghame Graham by Jacob Epstein
Jacob Epstein's Account of the Production of a Portrait of a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Jacob Epstein
Jacob Epstein's Account of the Production of a Portrait of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Jacob Epstein
Marguerite Steen's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Marie Tempest by William Nicholson
Account of the Production of a Portrait of Michael Foster by John Collier
John Lavery's Account of the Production of a Portrait of the Royal Family by John Lavery
Sidney Dark and P. G. Konody's Account of the Production of a Portrait of John Cowans by William Orpen
Michael Holroyd's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Guilhermina Suggia by Augustus John
Guilhermina Suggia's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Guilhermina Suggia by Augustus John
Sidney Dark and P. G. Konody's Account of the Production of a Portrait of William Lever by William Orpen
Marguerite Steen's Account of the Production of a Portrait of George Saintsbury by William Nicholson
Augustus John's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Dylan Thomas by Augustus John
Derek Hudson's Account of the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Account of the Production of a Portrait of William Holman Hunt by William Blake Richmond
Cecil Beaton's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Cecil Beaton by Frank Dobson
W. H. Davies' Account of the Production of a Portrait of W. H. Davies by Jacob Epstein
Frank Salisbury's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Prince Edward by Frank Salisbury
Jacob Epstein's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Ralph Vaughan Williams by Jacob Epstein
Jacob Epstein's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Jawaharlal Nehru by Jacob Epstein
Jacob Epstein's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Jawaharlal Nehru by Jacob Epstein
Frank Salisbury's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Arthur Thomas Sloggett by Frank Salisbury
Jacques-Emile Blanche's Account of the Production of a Portrait of James Joyce by Jacques-Emile Blanche
Charles Holmes' Account of the Production of a Portrait of Harold Lee-Dillon by Sydney Carline
Roger Berthoud's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Somerset Maugham by Graham Sutherland
Roger Berthoud's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Somerset Maugham by Graham Sutherland
Graham Sutherland's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Somerset Maugham by Graham Sutherland
Laurence Whistler's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Gerald Tyrwhitt-Wilson by Rex Whistler
Elsbeth Juda's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Roger Berthoud's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Ursula Vaughan Williams' Account of the Production of a Portrait of Ralph Vaughan Williams by David McFall
Jo Manton's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by John Singer Sargent
Louisa Garrett Anderson's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by John Singer Sargent
A. M. W. Stirling's Account of the Production of a Portrait of William de Morgan by Evelyn de Morgan
Emil Fuchs' Account of the Production of a Portrait of Johnston Forbes-Robertson by Emil Fuchs
Emil Fuchs' Account of the Production of a Portrait of Johnston Forbes-Robertson by Emil Fuchs
Geoffrey Whitworth's Account of the Production of a Portrait of William Poel by Henry Tonks
Joseph Hone's Account of the Production of a Portrait of William Poel by Henry Tonks
Robert Speaight's Account of the Production of a Portrait of William Poel by Henry Tonks
Richard Shone's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Iris Tree by Vanessa Bell
Richard Shone's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Iris Tree by Vanessa Bell
Nicola Moorby's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Anna Knight by Walter Sickert
Account of the Production of a Portrait of Anna Knight by Walter Sickert
Luke Fildes Junior's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Luke Fildes Senior by Philip de Laszlo
Michael Balcon's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Michael Balcon by Jacob Epstein
Alfred Hitchcock's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Michael Balcon by Jacob Epstein
Account of the Production of a Portrait of Virginia Woolf by Stephen Tomlin
Jean Simmons' Account of the Production of a Portrait of Jean Simmons by Matthew Smith
Kenneth Rose's Account of the Production of a Portrait of William Walton by Michael Ayrton
Mark Gertler's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Arthur Bliss by Mark Gertler
Frank Salisbury's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Henry Wood by Frank Salisbury
Patrick Heron's Account of the Production of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Patrick Heron
Fred Glueckstein's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Oscar Nemon
Arthur Bryant's Account of the Production of a Portrait of Thomas Beecham by David Wynne
Rachel Reeves' Account of the Production of a Portrait of Eleanor Rathbone by James Gunn
Mid-Range (Colour Palette)
Third-Hand or Other
Full-Length (Figure)
Half-Length (Figure)
Head or Head and Shoulders (Figure)
Kit-Cat (Figure)
Three-Quarter-Length (Figure)
Bronze and Marble
Chalk (Medium)
Charcoal on Paper
Oil on Board
Oil on Canvas
Oil on Wood
Pastel on Paper
Pen and Ink on Paper
Pencil and Crayon
Pencil and Wash
Pen, Ink and Pencil
Less Visible
Mid-Range (Mark-Making Style)
More Visible
Art Dealer or Collector
Domestic Employee
Military Personnel
Museum Employee or Director
Police Officer
Private Secretary
Employee of the Royal Family
Theatre Manager
Digitised Print
Press Cutting
Business Elite
Middle Class
Working Class
Particular People
Rights and Responsibilities
Telephone Service
The Portrait
William Orpen, Augustus John, exh. 1900
William Nicholson, Gertrude Jekyll, 1920
Frank Salisbury, Bernard Law Montgomery, 1945
Theodore Spicer-Simson, George Meredith, 1908
Jacob Epstein, Augustus John, 1916
Theodore Spicer-Simson, John Galsworthy, 1921
Theodore Spicer-Simson, Thomas Hardy, 1921
Theodore Spicer-Simson, William Henry Hudson, 1921
Theodore Spicer-Simson, Joseph Conrad, 1921
Theodore Spicer-Simson, Arnold Bennett, 1922
Theodore Spicer-Simson, Robert Bridges, 1922
Theodore Spicer-Simson, G. K. Chesterton, c.1922
Theodore Spicer-Simson, William Henry Davies, 1922
Theodore Spicer-Simson, Walter de la Mare, 1922
Theodore Spicer-Simson, John Ervine, c.1922
Theodore Spicer-Simson, Ralph Hodgson, 1922
Theodore Spicer-Simson, A. E. Housman, 1922
Theodore Spicer-Simson, John Masefield, 1922
Theodore Spicer-Simson, H. G. Wells, c.1922
Jacob Epstein, R. B. Cunninghame Graham, 1923
Jacob Epstein, Joseph Conrad, 1924
Jacob Epstein, T. S. Eliot, 1951
William Nicholson, Marie Tempest, 1903
John Collier, Michael Foster, 1907
John Lavery, Royal Family, 1913
William Orpen, John Cowans, c.1915
Augustus John, Guilhermina Suggia, 1920-3
William Orpen, William Lever, 1921
William Nicholson, George Saintsbury, 1923 or 1925
Augustus John, Dylan Thomas, c.1937-8
Gerald Kelly, George VI, 1938-45
William Blake Richmond, William Holman Hunt, 1900
Frank Dobson, Cecil Beaton, 1931
Jacob Eptsein, William Henry Davies, 1916
Frank Salisbury, Prince Edward, 1917
Jacob Epstein, Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1950
Jacob Epstein, Jawharlal Nehru, 1948
Frank Salisbury, Arthur Thomas Sloggett, 1917
Jacques-Emile Blanche, James Joyce, 1935
Sydney Carline, Harold Lee-Dillon, 1913
Graham Sutherland, Somerset Maugham, 1949
Rex Whistler, Gerald Tyrwhitt-Wilson, 1929
Graham Sutherland, Winston Churchill, 1954
David McFall, Ralph Vaughan Williams 1956
John Singer Sargent, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, 1900
Evelyn De Morgan, William De Morgan, 1909
Emil Fuchs, Johnston Forbes-Robertson, c.1902
Henry Tonks, William Poel, 1932
Duncan Grant, Vanessa Bell, Iris Tree, 1915
Walter Sickert, Anna Knight, 1941-2
Philip De Laszlo, Luke Fildes, 1914
Jacob Epstein, Michael Balcon, 1933
Stephen Tomlin, Virginia Woolf, 1931
Matthew Smith, Jean Simmons, c.1948-9
Michael Ayrton, William Walton, 1948
Mark Gertler, Arthur Bliss, 1932
Frank Salisbury, Henry Wood, 1943
Patrick Heron, T. S. Eliot, 1949
Oscar Nemon, Winston Churchill, c.1952
David Wynne, Thomas Beecham, 1957
James Gunn, Eleanor Rathbone, 1933
Autobiography of Augustus John
Biography of William Nicholson
Autobiography of Frank Salisbury
Autobiography of Theodore Spicer-Simson
Autobiography of Jacob Epstein
Article from The Lancet
Autobiography of John Lavery
Biography of William Orpen
Biography of Augustus John
Article from the Weekly Dispatch
Book on Women in Politics
Biography of Gerald Kelly
Article in The Times
Diary Entry for May 17th 1931
Autobiography of William Henry Davies
Autobiography of Jacques-Emile Blanche
Autobiography of Charles Holmes
Biography of Graham Sutherland
Interview with Graham Sutherland by Noel Barber
Biography of Rex Whistler
Interview with Elsbeth Juda by Cathy Courtney
Biography of Ralph Vaughan Williams
Biography of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson
Biography of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson
Biography of William and Evelyn De Morgan
Autobiography of Emil Fuchs
Article in The Times
Biography of Henry Tonks
Biography of William Poel
Book on the Bloomsbury Group
Tate Gallery Camden Town Group Catalogue Entry
Tate Gallery Collection Catalogue Entry
Biography of Luke Fildes
Autobiography of Michael Balcon
Interview with Alfred Hitchcock by Francois Truffaut
NPG The Portrait in British Art Cataogue Entry
Interview with Jean Simmons by Barbara Cooper
Article in The Sunday Telegraph
Letter from Mark Gertler to Marjorie Gertler
Article in The Guardian
Biography of Winston Churchill
Article in The Illustrated London News
Pose in the Production of a Portrait of Augustus John by William Orpen
Pose in a Portrait of Augustus John by William Orpen
Pose in a Portrait of Gertrude Jekyll by William Nicholson
Pose in the Production of a Portrait of Bernard Law Montgomery by Frank Salisbury
Pose in a Portrait of Bernard Law Montgomery by Frank Salisbury
Purpose of a Portrait of George Meredith by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Pose in the Production of a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Jacob Epstein
Pose in the Production of a Portrait of Marie Tempest by William Nicholson
Pose in a Portrait of Michael Foster by John Collier
Purpose of a Portrait of Michael Foster by John Collier
Purpose of a Portrait of Michael Foster by John Collier
(Queen Mary's) Pose in a Portrait of the Royal Family by John Lavery
(Princess Mary's) Pose in a Portrait of the Royal Family by John Lavery
(King George V's) Pose in a Portrait of the Royal Family by John Lavery
(Prince Edward's) Pose in a Portrait of the Royal Family by John Lavery
Purpose of a Portrait of the Royal Family by John Lavery
Pose in a Portrait of John Cowans by William Orpen
Pose in the Production of a Portrait of Guilhermina Suggia by Augustus John
Pose in a Portrait of Guilhermina Suggia by Augustus John
Purpose of a Portrait of Guilhermina Suggia by Augustus John
Purpose of a Portrait of Guilhermina Suggia by Augustus John
Pose in a Portrait of William Lever by William Orpen
Pose in a Portrait of George Saintsbury by William Nicholson
Pose in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Pose in a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Purpose of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Purpose of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Purpose of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Pose in a Portrait of William Holman Hunt by William Blake Richmond
Purpose of a Portrait of William Holman Hunt by William Blake Richmond
Pose in a Portrait of William Henry Davies by Jacob Epstein
Purpose of a Portrait of Prince Edward by Frank Salisbury
Pose in a Portrait of James Joyce by Jacques-Emile Blanche
Purpose of a Portrait of Harold Lee-Dillon by Sydney Carline
Purpose of a Portrait of Harold Lee-Dillon by Sydney Carline
Purpose of a Portrait of Harold Lee-Dillon by Sydney Carline
Pose in a Portrait of Somerset Maugham by Graham Sutherland
Pose in a Portrait of Gerald Tyrwhitt-Wilson by Rex Whistler
Pose in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Pose in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Pose in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Pose in a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Purpose of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Purpose of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Purpose of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Pose in the Production of a Portrait of Ralph Vaughan Williams by David McFall
Pose in a Portrait of Ralph Vaughan Williams by David McFall
Purpose of a Portrait of William de Morgan by Evelyn de Morgan
Purpose of a Portrait of William de Morgan by Evelyn de Morgan
Pose in a Portrait of William Poel by Henry Tonks
Purpose of a Portrait of William Poel by Henry Tonks
Purpose of a Portrait of William Poel by Henry Tonks
Purpose of a Portrait of William Poel by Henry Tonks
Pose in a Portrait of Iris Tree by Vanessa Bell
Pose in a Portrait of Anna Knight by Walter Sickert
Purpose of a Portrait of Michael Balcon by Jacob Epstein
Pose in a Portrait of Jean Simmons by Matthew Smith
Pose in a Portrait of William Walton by Michael Ayrton
Pose in a Portrait of Arthur Bliss by Mark Gertler
Pose in a Portrait of Henry Wood by Frank Salisbury
Purpose of a Portrait of Henry Wood by Frank Salisbury
Pose in the Production of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Patrick Heron
Pose in a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Patrick Heron
Purpose of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Patrick Heron
Pose in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Oscar Nemon
Pose in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Oscar Nemon
Pose in a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Oscar Nemon
Purpose of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Oscar Nemon
Pose in the Production of a Portrait of Thomas Beecham by David Wynne
Pose in a Portrait of Thomas Beecham by David Wynne
Pose in a Portrait of Eleanor Rathbone by James Gunn
A Person
A Person
An Agent
A Person
A Person
A Person
A Person
A Person
An Agent
A Person
An Agent
A Group
A Person
A Person
An Agent
A Person
A Group
A Group
A Group
A Group
A Person
A Person
A Person
A Person
A Group
A Person
Board of Trustees of the National Portrait Gallery
An Agent
A Group
A Person
A Group
A Group
A Person
A Person
A Group
A Group
A Group
A Person
A Person
A Person
A Group
A Group
Aberdeen Art Gallery (Agent)
Ada Galsworthy
Adam Curle
Adelaide Doughty
Adeline Fisher
A. E. Housman
Alan Anderson
Alan Gomme
Alan Lascelles
Alan Searle
Alan Spears
Alexander Hardinge
Alfred Hecht
Alfred Hitchcock
Alice Nemon Stuart
Alice Salisbury
Alpine Gallery
Amaryllis Fleming
A. M. W. Stirling
Anna Knight
Anthony Bowlby
Arnold Bennett
Arnold F. Thompson
A. R. Orage
Art Fund
Arthur Bliss
Arthur Bryant
Arthur Sloggett
Arts Council Collection (Agent)
Augustus John
A. W. Reed
Barbara Cooper
Bath Academy of Art
Bath Society of Artists
Bernard Law Montgomery
Bernard Louis Myers
Bertram Lyle Rathbone
Birthday Presentation Fund
Blanche Grant
Bloomsbury Caravel
Bolton Museum and Art Gallery (Agent)
Bolton Town Hall (Agent)
Boy Le Bas
British Institute of Florence
British Library (Agent)
Bury Art Museum
Caitlin Macnamara
Canterbury Galleries and Museums (Agent)
Cartwright Hall Art Gallery (Agent)
Cathy Courtney
Cecil Beaton
Charles Conder
Charles Doughty
Charles Holmes
Charles Neil Knight
Charles Lambert Rutherston
Charlotte Payne-Townshend
Clementine Churchill
Clifford Ellis
Contemporary Art Society
Cordelia Fisher
Daniel George
David Bernard Montgomery
David McFall
David Murray
David Piper
David Wynne
Delia Heron
The De Morgan Foundation
Dennis Farr
Derby Gallery and Museum (Agent)
Derek Hudson
Duchess of Marlborough
Duncan Grant
Duveen Drawings Fund
Dylan Thomas
Eardley Knollys
Edward Hudson
Edwin Lutyens
Eleanor Rathbone
Elfrida Ingpen
Elizabeth Garrett Anderson
Elsbeth Juda
Emil Fuchs
Emily Lutyens
Emma Maud McCarthy
Ethel Huxley
Eulalie Mabel Heron
Evelyn de Morgan
Evelyn Harvey
Faber and Faber Ltd
Falcon Stuart
Felix Man
Fitzwilliam Museum (Agent)
Florence Hardy
Frances Chesterton
Francis Toye
Francois Truffaut
Frank Bretchley
Frank Dobson
Frank McLeavy
Frank Salisbury
Fred Glueckstein
French Gallery
Gaumont-British Company
Geoffrey Gleaves
Geoffrey Whitworth
George Bernard Shaw
George Meredith
George Saintsbury
Georges Braque
Gerald Kelly
Gertrude Forbes-Robertson
Gertrude Jekyll
G. K. Chesterton
Gladys Millais Mulock Holman Hunt
Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (Agent)
Godalming Museum (Agent)
Government Art Collection (Agent)
G.P. Putnam's Sons
Graham Sutherland
Royal Family
Royal Family
Royal Household
Guilhermina Suggia
Hans Juda
Harold Lee-Dillon
Head of Zeus
Helena Bonett
Henri Matisse
Henry Marten
Henry Tonks
Henry Wood
H. G. Wells
H. Holt and Company
H.M. Government
Hugh Spottiswoode
Hudson Press
Imperial War Museums (Agent)
Iris Tree
Jacob Epstein
Jacques-Emile Blanche
James Gunn
James Joyce
James Abbott McNeill Whistler
Jane Clark
Jane Kelly
Jawaharlal Nehru
J. A. W. Hunter
J. Craig Harvey
Jean Simmons
Jennie Lee
Jennifer Loehnis
Jennifer Mundy
Jeremy Wilson
Jessie Conrad
J. M. Dent and Sons Ltd
Jock Colville
John Collier
John Cowans
John Ervine
John Galsworthy
John Hayes
John Lavery
John Masefield
John Maxwell
John Murray
John Napper
John Singer Sargent
Johnston Forbes-Robertson
Jo Manton
Jonathan Cape Ltd
Joseph Conrad
Joseph Hone
June Churchill
Kathleen Sutherland
Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum (Agent)
Kenneth Clark
Kenneth Rose
King Edward VIII
King George V
King George VI
Lady Jessie Wood
Laurence Housman
Laurence Whistler
Lawrence Binyon
Leicester Education Authority
Les Amis de 1914
Little, Brown and Company
Lord Beaverbrook
Lord Berners
Lord Cavan
Lord Duveen
Lord Moran
Lord Stamfordham
Louisa Garrett Anderson
Luke Fildes
Luke Val Fildes
MacDonald Bequest
Manchester Art Gallery (Agent)
Margaret Spicer-Simson
Marguerite Steen
Marie Tempest
Mariette Sturgis
Marion Crawford
Marion Huxley
Marjorie Gertler
Mark Gertler
Martin Butlin
Mary Chamot
Mary Elizabeth Hope
Mary Soames
Matthew Smith
Merton College, Oxford (Agent)
Michael Ayrton
Michael Balcon
Michael Foster Junior
Michael Foster Senior
Michael Holroyd
Monroe Wheeler
Muirhead Bone
Muriel Ellen Greatrex
National Heritage Memorial Fund
National Museums Liverpool
Naitonal Museum Wales
National Portrait Gallery (Agent)
Newport Museum and Art Gallery (Agent)
Nicola Moorby
Noel Barber
Noel Carrington
Noelie Spicer-Simson
Nye Bevan
Oscar Nemon
Owen Morshead
Oxford University Press
Pablo Picasso
Pamela Myers
Parliamentary Art Collection (Agent)
Patrick Heron
Paul Fildes
Peggy Jean Epstein
Peter Davies Ltd
Peter Keegan
P. G. Konody
Phaidon Press Ltd
Philip de Laszlo
Pierre Bonnard
Portrait Fund
Princess Margaret
Princess Mary
Queen Elizabeth
Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Mary
Rachel Reeves
Ralph Hodgson
Ralph Vaughan Williams
Randolph Churchill
R. B. Cunninghame Graham
Reading Borough Council
Reading Museum and Town Hall (Agent)
Red Cross
Redfern Gallery
Rene Laforgue
Rex Whistler
Richard Curle
Richard Shone
Robert Bridges
Robert Flaherty
Robert Lemasle
Robert Speaight
Roger Berthoud
Roger Fry
Rowman & Littlefield
Royal Academy of Music (Agent)
Royal Collection (Agent)
Royal College of Music (Agent)
Royal Free Hospital (Agent)
Royal Philharmonic Society
Royal Regiment of Fusiliers Museum (Agent)
Royal Society (Agent)
Roy Strong
Rupert Hart-Davis
Salford Museum and Art Gallery (Agent)
Scottish National Portrait Gallery (Agent)
Seeley Service & Co Ltd
Sidney Dark
Society of Authors
Somerset Maugham
Somerville College, Oxford (Agent)
Southampton City Art Gallery (Agent)
Stephen Tomlin
Stuart Sherman
Swindon Museum and Art Gallery (Agent)
Sydney Carline
Sylvester Bone
Sylvia Henley
Tate Gallery (Agent)
The Higgins Bedford (Agent)
The Ingram Collection of Modern British and Contemporary Art (Agent)
The New Art Gallery Walsall (Agent)
Theodore Spicer-Simson
Therese Lessore
Thomas Beecham
Thomas Hardy
Thomas Huxley
Tiger King
Tom Heron
Tracy Stewart Granger
T. S. Eliot
Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery (Agent)
UCL Art Museum (Agent)
UCLH Arts Store (Agent)
Ulster Museum (Agent)
University of Aberdeen
University of Birmingham (Agent)
University of Miami Press
University of York (Agent)
Ursula Vaughan Williams
Vanessa Bell
Victoria and Albert Museum
Victoria and Albert Museum Fund
Virginia Woolf
Viscount Tredegar
Walter Clement
Walter de la Mare
Walter Sickert
W. Claude Johnson
Weidenfeld & Nicolson
Wilfrid Evill
William Blake Richmond
William de Morgan
William Heinemann
William Heinemann Ltd
William Henry Davies
William Henry Hudson
William Holman Hunt
William Lever
William Meredith
William Nicholson
William Orpen
William Poel
William Walton
Wilson Steer
Winston Churchill
Wolfson Foundation
Wyndham Lewis
Xlibris US
Ysanne Holt
Koko (Marie Tempest's Dog)
The Duchess of Marlborough's Dog
Ralph Hodgson's Dog
John and Ada Galsworthy's Dog
Aberdeen Art Gallery (Collection)
Arts Council Collection (Collection)
Bolton Museum and Art Gallery (Collection)
Bolton Town Hall (Collection)
British Library (Collection)
Bury Art Museum
Canterbury Galleries and Museums (Collection)
Cartwright Hall Art Gallery (Collection)
Derby Gallery and Museum (Collection)
Fitzwilliam Museum (Collection)
Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (Collection)
Godalming Museum (Collection)
Government Art Collection (Collection)
Imperial War Museums (Collection)
Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum (Collection)
Manchester Art Gallery (Collection)
Merton College, Oxford (Collection)
National Museums Liverpool
National Museum Wales
National Portrait Gallery (Collection)
Newport Museum and Art Gallery (Collection)
Parliamentary Art Collection (Collection)
Reading Museum and Town Hall (Collection)
Royal Academy of Music (Collection)
Royal Collection (Collection)
Royal College of Music (Collection)
Royal Free Hospital (Collection)
Royal Regiment of Fusiliers Museum (Collection)
Royal Society (Collection)
Salford Museum and Art Gallery (Collection)
Scottish National Portrait Gallery (Collection)
Somerville College, Oxford (Collection)
Southampton City Art Gallery (Collection)
Swindon Museum and Art Gallery (Collection)
Tate Gallery (Collection)
The Higgins Bedford (Collection)
The Ingram Collection of Modern British and Contemporary Art (Collection)
The New Art Gallery Walsall (Collection)
Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery (Collection)
UCL Art Museum (Collection)
UCLH Arts Store (Collection)
Ulster Museum (Collection)
University of Aberdeen
University of Birmingham (Collection)
University of York (Collection)
Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment (Plane Ride)
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Information or Ideas
Signed Object (Map)
Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Food or Drink
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Acceptance, Reassurance or Acknowledgement
Signed Object
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment (Accommodation)
Information or Ideas
Food or Drink
Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Acceptance, Reassurance or Acknowledgement
Information or Ideas
Information or Ideas
Portrait Object
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Food or Drink
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Sum of Money
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Information or Ideas
Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Information or Ideas
Food or Drink
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Portrait Object
Signed Object (Book)
Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Portrait Object
Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Signed Object (Book)
Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Signed Object (Book)
Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Food or Drink
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Portrait Object
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Information or Ideas
Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Portrait Object
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Information or Ideas
Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Food or Drink
Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Acceptance, Reassurance or Acknowledgement
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Information or Ideas
Sum of Money
Portrait Object
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Sum of Money
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Portrait Object
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Portrait Object
Sum of Money
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Acceptance, Reassurance or Acknowledgement
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Sum of Money
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Sum of Money
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Portrait Object
Sum of Money
Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Information or Ideas
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Food or Drink
Acceptance, Reassurance or Acknowledgement
Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Portrait Object
Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Food or Drink
Portrait Object
Precious Metal (Silver Salver)
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Portrait Object
Sum of Money (£10)
Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Sum of Money
Signed Object (Book)
Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Portrait Object
Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Food or Drink
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Information or Ideas
Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Sum of Money
Portrait Object
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Sum of Money (£50)
Portrait Object
Sum of Money (£3,300)
Portrait Object
Food or Drink
Portrait Object
Sum of Money (£300)
Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Sum of Money (£10,000)
Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Cigarette or Cigar
Cigarette or Cigar
Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Sum of Money (£259,000)
Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Information or Ideas
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Signed Object
Portrait Object
Sum of Money
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Portrait Object
Food or Drink
Portrait Object
Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Sum of Money (1,000 Guineas)
Information or Ideas
Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Information or Ideas
Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Sum of Money
Information or Ideas
Acceptance, Reassurance or Acknowledgement
Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Portrait Object
Creative Work, Intellctual Property or Rights
Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Creative Work, Intellctual Property or Rights
Sum of Money (£250)
Creative Work, Intellctual Property or Rights
Sum of Money (£500)
Sum of Money (£250)
Portrait Object
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Information or Ideas
Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Sum of Money
Portrait Object
Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Montgomery's Campaign Map
A Lamp
An Easel
Suggia's Cello
A Model of the Viceroy's Palace
Prince Edward's Cigarette
A Stool from a Café
Score of Handel's Largo
Montgomery's Campaign Map
A Stick of Chalk
King George V's Sceptre
John Cowans' Stick
Suggia's Cello
King George VI's Sceptre
Joyce's Books
Joyce's Cigarette
Berners' Painting
Churchill's Cigarette
De Morgan's Vase
De Morgan's Manuscript
Poel's Stick
Walton's Drink
Walton's Pipe
Bliss' Piano
Wood's Sheet Music
Beecham's Baton
Rathbone's Book
Conder's Coat
Montgomery's Uniform
Conrad's Gloves
King George's Coronation Dress
Prince Edward's Hat
Maugham's Jacket
Maugham's Trousers
A Set of Garter Robes (possibly Churchill's)
Anderson's Jewellery
Anderson's Academic Gown
Eliot's Coat
Suggia's Dress
Churchill's Suit
John's Coat
John's Hat
Jekyll's Hairband
Montgomery's Coat
Montgomery's Hat
Montgomery's Uniform
Meredith's Suit
Galsworthy's Suit
Hardy's Suit
Hudson's Suit
Conrad's Suit
Bennett's Suit
Bridges' Suit
Chesterton's Suit
Davies' Suit
De la Mare's Suit
Ervine's Suit
Hodgson's Suit
Housman's Suit
Masefield's Suit
Wells' Suit
Conrad's Suit
Eliot's Suit
Tempest's Dress
Tempest's Jewellery
Tempest's Gloves
Foster's Suit
Prince Edward's Suit
Princess Mary's Dress
Queen Mary's Dress
Queen Mary's Tiara
King George V's Ceremonial Dress
Cowans' Military Uniform
Lever's Mayoral Robes
Saintsbury's Suit
Saintsbury's Hat
King George VI's Coronation Dress
King George VI's Crown
W. H. Davies' Suit
Prince Edward's Hat
Prince Edward's Military Uniform
Sloggett's Hat
Sloggett's Military Uniform
Joyce's Suit
Dillon's Hat
Dillon's Suit
Maugham's Jacket
Berners' Shirt
Churchill's Suit
Anderson's Jewellery
Anderson's Gown
Poel's Coat
Poel's Hat
Poel's Suit
Knight's Dress
Fildes' Suit
Balcon's Suit
Walton's Suit
Bliss' Suit
Wood's Gown
Rathbone's Jewellery
Maugham's Trousers
Berners' Trousers
Maugham's Scarf
Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Portrait Object
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Food or Drink
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Information or Ideas
Food or Drink
Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Information or Ideas
Information or Ideas
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Portrait Object
Information or Ideas
Information or Ideas
Information or Ideas
Food or Drink
Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Food or Drink
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Acceptance, Reassurance or Acknowledgement
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Portrait Object
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Affection, Admiration or Commitment
(£0) £0
(£238,654.00) £10,000
(£25,058.67) 1,000 gu.
(£589.92) £10
(£58,115.40) £2,000
(£12,665.65) £250
(£9,362.58) £300
3300 gu.
(£16,384.52) 500 gu.
(£15,604.30) £500
A Room or Building
A Building
A Room or Building
A Room or Building
A Building
A Room or Building
A Room or Building
A Building
A Building
A Building
A Room or Building
A Room or Building
A Room or Building
A Room or Building
A Room or Building
A Room or Building
A Building
A Room or Building
A Room or Building
A Building
A Building
A Room or Building
A Room or Building
A Room or Building
A Building
A Building
A Building
A Building
A Building
A Building
A Room or Building
A Room or Building
A Room or Building
A Building
Grand Reception Room to the State Apartments
Organ Loft
Garter Throne Room
A Room or Building
A Room or Building
A Room or Building
A Room or Building
A Room
A Building
A Room
A Building
A Building
A Building
A Room or Building
A Room or Building
A Building
A Building
A Room
A Building
A Room
A Building
A Room or Building
A Space
A Space
A Set
An Outdoor Space
A Room
A Room
A Room
A Set
A Small Room
A Room
A Set
A Room
A Set
An Outdoor Space
A Room
A Room
A Room or Building
A Room or Building
A Room or Building
A Room
A Space
A Space
31 Tite Street
3 The Forum
46 Gordon Square
55A Sloane Square
Addison Avenue
Army Headquarters
Avery Row
Boar's Hill
Box Hill
Brook Street
Buckingham Palace (Space)
Campden Hill
Canterbury Station
Cap d'Ail
Cromwell Place
Gloucester Place
Grove Lodge
Guildford Street
Holland Park
Lainston House
La Mamounia Hotel
Lecture Theatre
Mallord Street
Max Gate
National Portrait Gallery
Near Villa La Mignonelle
New York
Roof of the National Portrait Gallery
The Royal Academy
South of France
St George's Hill House
Sutton Veny
The Grove
Tite Street
Trinity College
Valberg (Space)
Viceroy's Palace (Space)
Victoria Station Hotel (Space)
Victoria Street
Villa La Fiorentina
Villa La Mignonelle
Villa Mauresque (Space)
Villa Welcome
Welwyn Garden City
White Drawing Room
Windsor Castle
Woburn Square
Mid-Range (Colour Palette)
Third-Hand or Other
Full-Length (Figure)
Half-Length (Figure)
Head or Head and Shoulders (Figure)
Kit-Cat (Figure)
Three-Quarter-Length (Figure)
Bronze and Marble
Chalk (Medium)
Charcoal on Paper
Oil on Board
Oil on Canvas
Oil on Wood
Pastel on Paper
Pen and Ink on Paper
Pencil and Crayon
Pencil and Wash
Pen, Ink and Pencil
Less Visible
Mid-Range (Mark-Making Style)
More Visible
Art Dealer or Collector
Domestic Employee
Military Personnel
Museum Employee or Director
Police Officer
Private Secretary
Employee of the Royal Family
Theatre Manager
Digitised Print
Press Cutting
Business Elite
Middle Class
Working Class
Particular People
Rights and Responsibilities
Telephone Service
The Portrait
Painting of Augustus John (NPG)
Painting of Thomas Carlyle (Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum)
Painting of Gertrude Jekyll (NPG)
Painting of Gertrude Jekyll's Boots (Tate)
Painting of Gertrude Jekyll (Godalming Museum)
Painting of Bernard Law Montgomery (NPG)
Painting of Bernard Law Montgomery (Royal Regiment of Fusiliers Museum)
Medal of George Meredith (NPG)
Master Medal of George Meredith
Bust of Augustus John (NPG)
Bust of Augustus John (National Museum Wales)
Bust of Augustus John (Glasgow Museums Resource Centre)
Master Bust of Augustus John
Medal of John Galsworthy (NPG)
Medal of John Galsworthy (University of Birmingham)
Medal of Ada Galsworthy (University of Birmingham)
Master Medal of John Galsworthy
Medal of Thomas Hardy (NPG)
Medal of Thomas Hardy (NPG)
Master Medal of Thomas Hardy
Medal of William Henry Hudson (NPG)
Master Medal of William Henry Hudson
Medal of Joseph Conrad (NPG)
Master Medal of Joseph Conrad
Medal of Arnold Bennett (NPG)
Master Medal of Arnold Bennett
Medal of Robert Bridges (NPG)
Medal of Robert Bridges (NPG)
Master Medal of Robert Bridges
Medal of G. K. Chesterton (NPG)
Master Medal of G. K. Chesterton
Medal of William Henry Davies (NPG)
Master Medal of William Henry Davies
Medal of Walter de la Mare (NPG)
Master Medal of Walter de la Mare
Medal of John Ervine (NPG)
Master Medal of John Ervine
Medal of Ralph Hodgson (NPG)
Medal of Ralph Hodgson (NPG)
Master Medal of Ralph Hodgson
Medal of A. E. Housman (NPG)
Master Medal of A. E. Housman
Medal of John Masefield (NPG)
Medal of John Masefield (NPG)
Master Medal of John Masefield
Medal of H. G. Wells (NPG)
Master Medal of H. G. Wells
Bust of R. B. Cunninghame Graham (NPG)
Bust of R. B. Cunninghame Graham (Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum)
Bust of R. B. Cunninghame Graham (Manchester Art Gallery)
Bust of R. B. Cunninghame Graham (Scottish National Portrait Gallery)
Bust of Robert Bontine Cunninghame Graham (Aberdeen Art Gallery)
Master Bust of R. B. Cunninghame Graham
Bust of Joseph Conrad (NPG)
Bust of Joseph Conrad (Canterbury Museums and Galleries)
Bust of Joseph Conrad (Manchester Art Gallery)
Bust of Joseph Conrad (Salford Museum and Art Gallery)
Master Bust of Joseph Conrad
Bust of T. S. Eliot (NPG)
Bust of T. S. Eliot (Merton College, Oxford)
Bust of T. S. Eliot (The New Art Gallery Walsall)
Master Bust of T. S. Eliot
Painting of Marie Tempest (NPG)
Painting of Michael Foster (NPG)
Painting of Michael Foster (Royal Society)
Painting of Royal Family (NPG)
Painting of the Royal Family (Ulster Museum)
Painting of the Royal Family (Royal Collection)
Painting of John Cowans (Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery)
Painting of Guilhermina Suggia (Tate)
Painting of Guilhermina Suggia (National Museum Wales)
Drawing of Guilhermina Suggia (The Ingram Collection of Modern British and Contemporary Art)
Drawing of Guilhermina Suggia (Tate)
Painting of Lord Leverhulme (Bolton Town Hall)
Painting of George Saintsbury (Merton College, Oxford)
Painting of Dylan Thomas (NPG)
Painting of Dylan Thomas (National Museum Wales)
Painting of King George VI (Royal Collection)
Painting of Queen Elizabeth (Royal Collection)
Painting of Queen Elizabeth (NPG)
Painting of King George VI (NPG)
Painting of Queen Elizabeth (NPG)
Print of Queen Elizabeth (Royal Collection)
Print of Queen Elizabeth (Royal Collection)
Print of King George VI (Royal Collection)
Print of King George VI (Royal Collection)
Print of King George VI (Royal Collection)
Print of King George VI (Royal Collection)
Print of Queen Elizabeth (Royal Collection)
Print of Queen Elizabeth (Royal Collection)
Painting of William Holman Hunt (NPG)
Bust of Cecil Beaton (NPG)
Photograph of Frank Dobson with Bust of Cecil Beaton (NPG)
Master Bust of Cecil Beaton
Bust of William Henry Davies (NPG)
Bust of William Henry Davies (Newport Museum and Art Gallery)
Master Bust of William Henry Davies
Painting of Prince Edward (NPG)
Painting of Emma Maud McCarthy (NPG)
Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams (NPG)
Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams (University of York)
Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams (Arts Council Collection)
Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams (University of Aberdeen)
Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams (Manchester Art Gallery)
Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams (Royal College of Music)
Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams (Southampton City Art Gallery)
Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams (The Higgins Bedford)
Master Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams
Bust of Jawaharlal Nehru (NPG)
Bust of Jawaharlal Nehru (Derby Museum and Art Gallery)
Master Bust of Jawaharlal Nehru
Painting of Arthur Thomas Sloggett (NPG)
Painting of James Joyce (NPG)
Painting of James Joyce (UCL Art Museum)
Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon (NPG)
Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon (NPG)
Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon (NPG)
Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon (NPG)
Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon (NPG)
Master Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon
Painting of Somerset Maugham (Tate)
Photograph of Graham Sutherland with painting of Somerset Maugham (NPG)
Photograph of Graham Sutherland and Somerset Maugham (NPG)
Drawing of Somerset Maugham (Fitzwilliam Museum)
Sketchbook of Drawings of Somerset Maugham (NPG)
Drawing of Somerset Maugham (NPG)
Painting of Gerald Tyrwhitt-Wilson (NPG)
Painting of Winston Churchill (Destroyed)
Painting of Winston Churchill (NPG)
Painting of Winston Churchill (NPG)
Drawing of Winston Churchill (NPG)
Drawing of Winston Churchill (NPG)
Drawing of Winston Churchill (NPG)
Sketchbook of Drawings of Winston Churchill (NPG)
Photograph of Graham Sutherland, Kathleen Sutherland and Winston Churchill (NPG)
Negatives of Graham Sutherland, Kathleen Sutherland and Winston Churchill (NPG)
Negatives of Graham Sutherland, Kathleen Sutherland and Winston Churchill (NPG)
Negatives of Graham Sutherland, Kathleen Sutherland and Winston Churchill (NPG)
Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams (NPG)
Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams (Royal College of Music)
Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams (British Library)
Master Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams
Painting of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson (NPG)
Painting of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson (Royal Free Hospital)
Painting of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson (UCLH Arts Store)
Painting of William De Morgan (NPG)
Bust of Johnston Forbes-Robertson (NPG)
Master Bust of Johnston Forbes-Robertson
Drawing of William Poel (NPG)
Drawing of William Poel (NPG)
Drawing of William Poel (NPG)
Drawing of William Poel (NPG)
Drawing of William Poel (NPG)
Drawing of William Poel (NPG)
Drawing of William Poel (NPG)
Drawing of William Poel (NPG)
Drawing of William Poel (NPG)
Drawing of William Poel (NPG)
Painting of William Poel (NPG)
Drawing of William Poel (NPG)
Painting of Iris Tree (Reading Museum and Town Hall)
Painting of Iris Tree (Tate)
Painting of Anna Knight (Tate)
Painting of Luke Fildes (NPG)
Bust of Michael Balcon (NPG)
Master Bust of Michael Balcon
Bust of Virginia Woolf (NPG)
Bust of Virginia Woolf (Swindon Museum and Art Gallery)
Bust of Virginia Woolf (British Library)
Master Bust of Virginia Woolf
Painting of Jean Simmons (NPG)
Painting of William Walton (NPG)
Painting of Arthur Bliss (NPG)
Painting of Henry Wood (NPG)
Painting of Henry Wood (Royal Academy of Music)
Painting of T. S. Eliot (NPG)
Bust of Winston Churchill (NPG)
Bust of Winston Churchill (Government Art Collection)
Bust of Winston Churchill (Parliamentary Art Collection)
Bust of Winston Churchill (Parliamentary Art Collection)
Sculpture of Winston Churchill (Parliamentary Art Collection)
Bust of Winston Churchill (Imperial War Museums)
Bust of Winston Churchill (Government Art Collection)
Master Sculpture of Winston Churchill
Bust of Thomas Beecham (NPG)
Bust of Thomas Beecham (Aberdeen Art Gallery)
Bust of Thomas Beecham (University of York)
Master Bust of Thomas Beecham
Painting of Eleanor Rathbone (NPG)
Painting of Eleanor Rathbone (Somerville College, Oxford)
Painting of Eleanor Rathbone (Parliamentary Art Collection)
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Augustus John by William Orpen
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Gertrude Jekyll by William Nicholson
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Bernard Law Montgomery by Frank Salisbury
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of George Meredith by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Augustus John by Jacob Epstein
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of John Galsworthy by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Thomas Hardy by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of William Henry Hudson by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Arnold Bennett by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Robert Bridges by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of G. K. Chesterton by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of W. H. Davies by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Walter de la Mare by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of John Ervine by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Ralph Hodgson by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of A. E. Housman by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of John Masefield by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of H. G. Wells by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of R. B. Cunninghame Graham by Jacob Epstein
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Jacob Epstein
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Jacob Epstein
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Marie Tempest by William Nicholson
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Michael Foster by John Collier
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of the Royal Family by John Lavery
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of John Cowans by William Orpen
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Guilhermina Suggia by Augustus John
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of William Lever by William Orpen
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of George Saintsbury by William Nicholson
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Dylan Thomas by Augustus John
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of William Holman Hunt by William Blake Richmond
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Cecil Beaton by Frank Dobson
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of William Henry Davies by Jacob Epstein
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Prince Edward by Frank Salisbury
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Ralph Vaughan Williams by Jacob Epstein
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Jawaharlal Nehru by Jacob Epstein
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Arthur Thomas Sloggett by Frank Salisbury
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of James Joyce by Jacques-Emile Blanche
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Harold Lee-Dillon by Sydney Carline
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Somerset Maugham by Graham Sutherland
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Gerald Tyrwhitt-Wilson by Rex Whistler
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Ralph Vaughan Williams by David McFall
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by John Singer Sargent
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of William de Morgan by Evelyn de Morgan
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Johnston Forbes-Robertson by Emil Fuchs
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of William Poel by Henry Tonks
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Iris Tree by Vanessa Bell, 1915
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Anna Knight by Walter Sickert
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Luke Fildes by Philip de Laszlo
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Michael Balcon by Jacob Epstein
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Virginia Woolf by Stephen Tomlin
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Jean Simmons by Matthew Smit
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of William Walton by Michael Ayrton
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Arthur Bliss by Mark Gertler
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Henry Wood by Frank Salisbury
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Patrick Heron
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Oscar Nemon
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Thomas Beecham by David Wynne
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Eleanor Rathbone by James Gunn
Author in the Production of an Autobiography of Augustus John
Author in the Production of a Biography of William Nicholson
Author in the Production of an Autobiography of Frank Salisbury
Author in the Production of an Autobiography of Theodore Spicer-Simson
Author in the Production of a Biography of Jacob Epstein
Author in the Production of an Autobiography of John Lavery
Author in the Production of a Biography of William Orpen
Author in the Production of a Biography of Augustus John
Author in the Production of an Article from the Weekly Dispatch
Author in the Production of a Book about Women in Politics
Author in the Production of a Biography of Gerald Kelly
Author in the Production of a Diary Entry for May 17th 1931
Author in the Production of an Autobiography of William Henry Davies
Author in the Production of an Autobiography of Jacques-Emile Blanche
Author in the Production of an Autobiography of Charles Holmes
Author in the Production of a Biography of Graham Sutherland
Author in the Production of a Biography of Rex Whistler
Author in the Production of a Biography of Ralph Vaughan Williams
Author in the Production of a Biography of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson
Author in the Production of a Biography of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson
Author in the Production of a Biography of William and Evelyn De Morgan
Author in the Production of an Autobiography of Emil Fuchs
Author in the Production of an Article in The Times
Author in the Production of a Biography of Henry Tonks
Author in the Production of a Biography of William Poel
Author in the Production of a Book about the Bloomsbury Group
Author in the Production of a Tate Gallery Camden Town Group Catalogue Entry
Author in the Production of an Article in The Sunday Telegraph
Author in the Production of a Letter from Mark Gertler to Marjorie Gertler
Author in the Production of an Article in The Guardian
Author in the Production of a Biography of Winston Churchill
Author in the Production of an Article in The Illustrated London News
Author in the Production of a Biography of William Orpen
Author in the Production of an Article in The Times
Commodity in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Recipient in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Commodity in an Exchange of Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Giver in an Exchange of Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Recipient in an Exchange of Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Recipient in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Commodity in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Giver in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Giver in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Recipient in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Commodity in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Giver in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Recipient in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Commodity in an Exchange of a Signed Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Signed Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Signed Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Giver in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Commodity in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Giver in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Commodity in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Giver in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Recipient in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Acceptance, Reassurance or Acknowledgement
Giver in an Exchange of Acceptance, Reassurance or Acknowledgement
Recipient in an Exchange of Acceptance, Reassurance or Acknowledgement
Commodity in an Exchange of a Signed Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Signed Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Signed Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Recipient in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Recipient in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Commodity in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Giver in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Giver in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Commodity in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Giver in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Recipient in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Commodity in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Giver in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Giver in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Recipient in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Recipient in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Commodity in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Giver in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Recipient in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Commodity in an Exchange of Acceptance, Reassurance or Acknowledgement
Giver in an Exchange of Acceptance, Reassurance or Acknowledgement
Recipient in an Exchange of Acceptance, Reassurance or Acknowledgement
Recipient in an Exchange of Acceptance, Reassurance or Acknowledgement
Commodity in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Role in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Role in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Commodity in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Role in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Role in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Giver in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Commodity in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Giver in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Recipient in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Recipient in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Money
Giver in an Exchange of Money
Recipient in an Exchange of Money
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Role in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Role in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Commodity in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Giver in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Giver in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Commodity in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Giver in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Recipient in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Recipient in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Commodity in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Giver in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Giver in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Recipient in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Recipient in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Signed Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Signed Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Signed Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Giver in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Recipient in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Commodity in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Recipient in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Commodity in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Giver in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Recipient in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Recipient in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of a Signed Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Signed Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Signed Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Giver in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Commodity in an Exchange of a Signed Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Signed Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Signed Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Recipient in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Commodity in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Giver in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Giver in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Recipient in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Recipient in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Recipient in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Giver in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Giver in an Exchange of Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Recipient in an Exchange of Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Commodity in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Role in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Role in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Commodity in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Giver in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Commodity in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Giver in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Commodity in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Giver in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Recipient in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Commodity in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Giver in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Recipient in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Commodity in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Recipient in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Role in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Role in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Commodity in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Giver in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Recipient in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Recipient in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Commodity in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Recipient in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Commodity in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Recipient in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Commodity in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Giver in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Recipient in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Commodity in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Recipient in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Commodity in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Giver in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Recipient in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Acceptance, Reassurance or Acknowledgement
Giver in an Exchange of Acceptance, Reassurance or Acknowledgement
Recipient in an Exchange of Acceptance, Reassurance or Acknowledgement
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Giver in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Recipient in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Commodity in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Role in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Role in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Commodity in an Exchange of a Dog
Giver in an Exchange of a Dog
Recipient in an Exchange of a Dog
Commodity in an Exchange of Money
Giver in an Exchange of Money
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Money
Giver in an Exchange of Money
Recipient in an Exchange of Money
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Giver in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Recipient in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Money
Recipient in an Exchange of Money
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Giver in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Recipient in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Commodity in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Giver in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Recipient in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Acceptance, Reassurance or Acknowledgement
Giver in an Exchange of Acceptance, Reassurance or Acknowledgement
Recipient in an Exchange of Acceptance, Reassurance or Acknowledgement
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Giver in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Commodity in an Exchange of a Cello
Giver in an Exchange of a Cello
Recipient in an Exchange of a Cello
Commodity in an Exchange of Money
Giver in an Exchange of Money
Recipient in an Exchange of Money
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Money
Giver in an Exchange of Money
Recipient in an Exchange of Money
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Money
Giver in an Exchange of Money
Recipient in an Exchange of Money
Commodity in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Giver in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Commodity in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Giver in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Giver in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Giver in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Recipient in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Commodity in an Exchange of Acceptance, Reassurance or Acknowledgement
Giver in an Exchange of Acceptance, Reassurance or Acknowledgement
Recipient in an Exchange of Acceptance, Reassurance or Acknowledgement
Commodity in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Giver in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Recipient in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Commodity in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Giver in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Commodity in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Giver in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Giver in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Giver in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Giver in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Giver in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Commodity in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Giver in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Recipient in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Giver in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Giver in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Recipient in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Precious Metal
Giver in an Exchange of Precious Metal
Recipient in an Exchange of Precious Metal
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Recipient in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Money
Giver in an Exchange of Money
Recipient in an Exchange of Money
Commodity in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Recipient in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Giver in an Exchange of Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Recipient in an Exchange of Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Giver in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Commodity in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Recipient in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Commodity in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Giver in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Recipient in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Giver in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Recipient in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Role in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Role in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Commodity in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Giver in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Recipient in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Commodity in an Exchange of Money
Giver in an Exchange of Money
Recipient in an Exchange of Money
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Recipient in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Commodity in an Exchange of Money
Giver in an Exchange of Money
Recipient in an Exchange of Money
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Money
Giver in an Exchange of Money
Recipient in an Exchange of Money
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Apparel
Giver in an Exchange of Apparel
Recipient in an Exchange of Apparel
Recipient in an Exchange of Apparel
Commodity in an Exchange of Furniture
Giver in an Exchange of Furniture
Recipient in an Exchange of Furniture
Recipient in an Exchange of Furniture
Commodity in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Giver in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Recipient in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Recipient in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Money
Giver in an Exchange of Money
Giver in an Exchange of Money
Recipient in an Exchange of Money
Commodity in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Giver in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Money
Giver in an Exchange of Money
Recipient in an Exchange of Money
Commodity in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Giver in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Giver in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Commodity in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Giver in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Commodity in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Giver in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Commodity in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Giver in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Commodity in an Exchange of a Cigarette or Cigar
Giver in an Exchange of a Cigarette or Cigar
Recipient in an Exchange of a Cigarette or Cigar
Commodity in an Exchange of a Cigarette or Cigar
Giver in an Exchange of a Cigarette or Cigar
Recipient in an Exchange of a Cigarette or Cigar
Commodity in an Exchange of Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Giver in an Exchange of Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Recipient in an Exchange of Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Commodity in an Exchange of Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Giver in an Exchange of Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Recipient in an Exchange of Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Commodity in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Recipient in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Commodity in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Recipient in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Commodity in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Recipient in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Commodity in an Exchange of Money
Giver in an Exchange of Money
Recipient in an Exchange of Money
Commodity in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Giver in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Giver in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Commodity in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Giver in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Recipient in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of a Signed Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Signed Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Signed Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Money
Giver in an Exchange of Money
Recipient in an Exchange of Money
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Giver in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Recipient in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Recipient in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Giver in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Recipient in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Giver in an Exchange of Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Recipient in an Exchange of Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchangeof Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Recipient in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Commodity in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Recipient in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Commodity in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Recipient in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Recipient in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Money
Giver in an Exchange of Money
Recipient in an Exchange of Money
Commodity in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Role in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Recipient in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Commodity in an Exchange of Acceptance, Reassurance or Acknowledgement
Giver in an Exchange of Acceptance, Reassurance or Acknowledgement
Recipient in an Exchange of Acceptance, Reassurance or Acknowledgement
Commodity in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Recipient in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Creative Work, Intellctual Property or Rights
Giver in an Exchange of Creative Work, Intellctual Property or Rights
Recipient in an Exchange of Creative Work, Intellctual Property or Rights
Recipient in an Exchange of Creative Work, Intellctual Property or Rights
Commodity in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Giver in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Commodity in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Giver in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Recipient in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Commodity in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Recipient in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Giver in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Recipient in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Commodity in an Exchange of Creative Work, Intellctual Property or Rights
Giver in an Exchange of Creative Work, Intellctual Property or Rights
Recipient in an Exchange of Creative Work, Intellctual Property or Rights
Commodity in an Exchange of Money
Giver in an Exchange of Money
Recipient in an Exchange of Money
Commodity in an Exchange of Creative Work, Intellctual Property or Rights
Giver in an Exchange of Creative Work, Intellctual Property or Rights
Recipient in an Exchange of Creative Work, Intellctual Property or Rights
Commodity in an Exchange of Money
Giver in an Exchange of Money
Recipient in an Exchange of Money
Commodity in an Exchange of Money
Giver in an Exchange of Money
Recipient in an Exchange of Money
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Recipient in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Commodity in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Recipient in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Commodity in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Recipient in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Commodity in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Role in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Role in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Commodity in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Giver in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Giver in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Recipient in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Role in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Money
Giver in an Exchange of Money
Recipient in an Exchange of Money
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Giver in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Giver in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Recipient in an Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Commodity in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Giver in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Recipient in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Recipient in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Commodity in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Recipient in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Augustus John by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Augustus John by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Augustus John by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Thomas Carlyle by Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Thomas Carlyle by Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Thomas Carlyle by Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Gertrude Jekyll by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Gertrude Jekyll by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Gertrude Jekyll by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Gertrude Jekyll by the Godalming Museum
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Gertrude Jekyll by the Godalming Museum
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Gertrude Jekyll by the Godalming Museum
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Gertrude Jekyll's Boots by Tate
Lutyens's Role in the Acquisition of a Painting of Gertrude Jekyll's Boots by Tate
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Gertrude Jekyll's Boots by Tate
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Gertrude Jekyll's Boots by Tate
Montgomery's Role in the Acquisition of a Painting of Bernard Law Montgomery by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Bernard Law Montgomery by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Bernard Law Montgomery by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Bernard Law Montgomery by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Bernard Law Montgomery by the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers Museum
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Bernard Law Montgomery by the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers Museum
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Bernard Law Montgomery by the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers Museum
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of George Meredith by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Medal of George Meredith by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Medal of George Meredith by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Augustus John by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Augustus John by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of Augustus John by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Augustus John by National Museum Wales
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Augustus John by National Museum Wales
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of Augustus John by National Museum Wales
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Augustus John by Glasgow Museums Resource Centre
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Augustus John by Glasgow Museums Resource Centre
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of Augustus John by Glasgow Museums Resource Centre
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of John Galsworthy by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Medal of John Galsworthy by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Medal of John Galsworthy by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of John Galsworthy by the University of Birmingham
Giver in the Acquisition of a Medal of John Galsworthy by the University of Birmingham
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Medal of John Galsworthy by the University of Birmingham
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of Ada Galsworthy by the University of Birmingham
Giver in the Acquisition of a Medal of Ada Galsworthy by the University of Birmingham
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Medal of Ada Galsworthy by the University of Birmingham
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of Thomas Hardy by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Medal of Thomas Hardy by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Medal of Thomas Hardy by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of Thomas Hardy by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Medal of Thomas Hardy by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Medal of Thomas Hardy by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of William Henry Hudson by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Medal of William Henry Hudson by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Medal of William Henry Hudson by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of Joseph Conrad by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Medal of Joseph Conrad by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Medal of Joseph Conrad by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of Arnold Bennett by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Medal of Arnold Bennett by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Medal of Arnold Bennett by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of Robert Bridges by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Medal of Robert Bridges by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Medal of Robert Bridges by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of Robert Bridges by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Medal of Robert Bridges by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Medal of Robert Bridges by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of G. K. Chesterton by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Medal of G. K. Chesterton by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Medal of G. K. Chesterton by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of William Henry Davies by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Medal of William Henry Davies by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Medal of William Henry Davies by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of Walter De la Mare in the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Medal of Walter de la Mare in the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Medal of Walter de la Mare in the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of John Ervine by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Medal of John Ervine by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Medal of John Ervine by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of Ralph Hodgson by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Medal of Ralph Hodgson by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Medal of Ralph Hodgson by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of Ralph Hodgson by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Medal of Ralph Hodgson by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Medal of Ralph Hodgson by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of A. E. Housman by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Medal of A. E. Housman by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Medal of A. E. Housman by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of John Masefield by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Medal of John Masefield by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Medal of John Masefield by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of John Masefield by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Medal of John Masefield by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Medal of John Masefield by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of H. G. Wells by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Medal of H. G. Wells by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Medal of H. G. Wells by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of R. B. Cunninghame Graham by Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of R. B. Cunninghame Graham by Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of R. B. Cunninghame Graham by Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of R. B. Cunninghame Graham by Manchester Art Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of R. B. Cunninghame Graham by Manchester Art Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of R. B. Cunninghame Graham by Manchester Art Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of R. B. Cunninghame Graham by the Scottish National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of R. B. Cunninghame Graham by the Scottish National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of R. B. Cunninghame Graham by the Scottish National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of R. B. Cunninghame Graham by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of R. B. Cunninghame Graham by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of R. B. Cunninghame Graham by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of R. B. Cunninghame Graham by Aberdeen Art Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of R. B. Cunninghame Graham by Aberdeen Art Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of R. B. Cunninghame Graham by Aberdeen Art Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Joseph Conrad by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Joseph Conrad by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of Joseph Conrad by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Joseph Conrad by Canterbury Museums and Galleries
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Joseph Conrad by Canterbury Museums and Galleries
Bone's Role in the Acquisition of a Bust of Joseph Conrad by Canterbury Museums and Galleries
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of Joseph Conrad by Canterbury Museums and Galleries
Role in the Acquisition of a Bust of Joseph Conrad by Canterbury Museums and Galleries
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Joseph Conrad by Manchester Art Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Joseph Conrad by Manchester Art Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of Joseph Conrad by Manchester Art Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Joseph Conrad by Salford Museum and Art Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Joseph Conrad by Salford Museum and Art Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of Joseph Conrad by Salford Museum and Art Gallery
Role in the Acquisition of a Bust of Joseph Conrad by Salford Museum and Art Gallery
Role in the Acquisition of a Bust of Joseph Conrad by Salford Museum and Art Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of T. S. Eliot by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of T. S. Eliot by the National Portrait Gallery
Epstein's Role in the Acquisition of a Bust of T. S. Eliot by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of T. S. Eliot by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of T. S. Eliot by Merton College, Oxford
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of T. S. Eliot by Merton College, Oxford
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of T. S. Eliot by Merton College, Oxford
Eliot's Role in the Acquisition of a Bust of T. S. Eliot by Merton College, Oxford
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of T. S. Eliot by The New Art Gallery, Walsall
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of T. S. Eliot by The New Art Gallery, Walsall
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of T. S. Eliot by The New Art Gallery, Walsall
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Marie Tempest by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Marie Tempest by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Marie Tempest by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Marie Tempest by W. Claude Johnson
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Marie Tempest by W. Claude Johnson
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Marie Tempest by W. Claude Johnson
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Marie Tempest by Marie Tempest
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Marie Tempest by Marie Tempest
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Marie Tempest by Marie Tempest
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Michael Foster by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Michael Foster by the National Portrait Gallery
Foster Senior's Role in the Acquisition of a Painting of Michael Foster by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Michael Foster by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Michael Foster by the Royal Society
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Michael Foster by the Royal Society
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Michael Foster by the Royal Society
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of the Royal Family by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of the Royal Family by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of the Royal Family by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of the Royal Family by the Ulster Museum
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of the Royal Family by the Ulster Museum
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of the Royal Family by the Ulster Museum
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of John Cowans by Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of John Cowans by Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of John Cowans by Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Guilhermina Suggia by Tate
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Guilhermina Suggia by Tate
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Guilhermina Suggia by Tate
Role in the Acquisition of a Painting of Guilhermina Suggia by Tate
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Guilhermina Suggia by 'an American collector'
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Guilhermina Suggia by 'an American collector'
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Guilhermina Suggia by 'an American collector'
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Guilhermina Suggia by the National Museum Wales
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Guilhermina Suggia by the National Museum Wales
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Guilhermina Suggia by the National Museum Wales
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Guilhermina Suggia by the Ingram Collection of Modern British and Contemporary Art
Giver in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Guilhermina Suggia by the Ingram Collection of Modern British and Contemporary Art
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Guilhermina Suggia by the Ingram Collection of Modern British and Contemporary Art
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Guilhermina Suggia by Tate
Giver in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Guilhermina Suggia by Tate
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Guilhermina Suggia by Tate
Role in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Guilhermina Suggia by Tate
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Lord Leverhulme by Bolton Town Hall
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Lord Leverhulme by Bolton Town Hall
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Lord Leverhulme by Bolton Town Hall
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of George Saintsbury by Merton College, Oxford
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of George Saintsbury by Merton College, Oxford
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of George Saintsbury by Merton College, Oxford
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Dylan Thomas by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Dylan Thomas by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Dylan Thomas by the National Portrait Gallery
Role in the Acquisition of a Painting of Dylan Thomas by the National Portrait Gallery
Role in the Acquisition of a Painting of Dylan Thomas by the National Portrait Gallery
Role in the Acquisition of a Painting of Dylan Thomas by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Dylan Thomas by National Museum Wales
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Dylan Thomas by National Museum Wales
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Dylan Thomas by National Museum Wales
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of King George VI by the Royal Collection
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of King George VI by the Royal Collection
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of King George VI by the Royal Collection
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Queen Elizabeth by the Royal Collection
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Queen Elizabeth by the Royal Collection
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Queen Elizabeth by the Royal Collection
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Queen Elizabeth by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Queen Elizabeth by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Queen Elizabeth by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Queen Elizabeth by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Queen Elizabeth by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Queen Elizabeth by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Print of Queen Elizabeth by the Royal Collection
Giver in the Acquisition of a Print of Queen Elizabeth by the Royal Collection
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Print of Queen Elizabeth by the Royal Collection
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Print of Queen Elizabeth by the Royal Collection
Giver in the Acquisition of a Print of Queen Elizabeth by the Royal Collection
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Print of Queen Elizabeth by the Royal Collection
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Print of King George VI by the Royal Collection
Giver in the Acquisition of a Print of King George VI by the Royal Collection
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Print of King George VI by the Royal Collection
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Print of King George VI by the Royal Collection
Giver in the Acquisition of a Print of King George VI by the Royal Collection
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Print of King George VI by the Royal Collection
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Print of King George VI by the Royal Collection
Giver in the Acquisition of a Print of King George VI by the Royal Collection
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Print of King George VI by the Royal Collection
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Print of King George VI by the Royal Collection
Giver in the Acquisition of a Print of King George VI by the Royal Collection
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Print of King George VI by the Royal Collection
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Print of Queen Elizabeth by the Royal Collection
Giver in the Acquisition of a Print of Queen Elizabeth by the Royal Collection
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Print of Queen Elizabeth by the Royal Collection
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Print of Queen Elizabeth by the Royal Collection
Giver in the Acquisition of a Print of Queen Elizabeth by the Royal Collection
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Print of Queen Elizabeth by the Royal Collection
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of William Holman Hunt by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of William Holman Hunt by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of William Holman Hunt by the National Portrait Gallery
Holman Hunt's Role in the Acquisition of a Painting of William Holman Hunt by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Cecil Beaton by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Cecil Beaton by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of Cecil Beaton by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Photograph of Frank Dobson with a Bust of Cecil Beaton by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Photograph of Frank Dobson with a Bust of Cecil Beaton by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Photograph of Frank Dobson with a Bust of Cecil Beaton by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of William Henry Davies by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of William Henry Davies by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of William Henry Davies by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of William Henry Davies by Newport Museum and Art Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of William Henry Davies by Newport Museum and Art Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of William Henry Davies by Newport Museum and Art Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Prince Edward by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Prince Edward by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Prince Edward by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by the Royal College of Music
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by the Royal College of Music
Vaughan Williams's Role in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by the Royal College of Music
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by the Royal College of Music
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by The Higgins Bedford
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by The Higgins Bedford
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by The Higgins Bedford
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by the University of York
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by the University of York
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by the University of York
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by the Arts Council Collection
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by the Arts Council Collection
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by the Arts Council Collection
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by the University of Abderdeen
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by the University of Abderdeen
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by the University of Abderdeen
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by Manchester Art Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by Manchester Art Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by Manchester Art Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by Southampton City Art Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by Southampton City Art Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by Southampton City Art Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Jawaharlal Nehru by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Jawaharlal Nehru by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of Jawaharlal Nehru by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Jawaharlal Nehru by Derby Museum and Art Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Jawaharlal Nehru by Derby Museum and Art Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of Jawaharlal Nehru by Derby Museum and Art Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Arthur Thomas Sloggett by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Arthur Thomas Sloggett by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Arthur Thomas Sloggett by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Emma Maud McCarthy by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Emma Maud McCarthy by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Emma Maud McCarthy by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of James Joyce by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of James Joyce by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of James Joyce by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of James Joyce by UCL Art Museum
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of James Joyce by UCL Art Museum
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of James Joyce by UCL Art Museum
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon by the National Portrait Gallery
Dillon's Role in the Acquisition of a Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon by the National Portrait Gallery
Dillon's Role in the Acquisition of a Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon by the National Portrait Gallery
Dillon's Role in the Acquisition of a Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon by the National Portrait Gallery
Dillon's Role in the Acquisition of a Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon by the National Portrait Gallery
Dillon's Role in the Acquisition of a Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Somerset Maugham by Tate
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Somerset Maugham by Tate
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Somerset Maugham by Tate
Maugham's Role in the Acquisition of a Painting of Somerset Maugham by Tate
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Photograph of Graham Sutherland with a Painting of Somerset Maugham by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Photograph of Graham Sutherland with a Painting of Somerset Maugham by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Photograph of Graham Sutherland with a Painting of Somerset Maugham by the National Portrait Gallery
Role in the Acquisition of a Photograph of Graham Sutherland with a Painting of Somerset Maugham by the National Portrait Gallery
Strong's Role in the Acquisition of a Photograph of Graham Sutherland with a Painting of Somerset Maugham by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Photograph of Graham Sutherland and Somerset Maugham by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Photograph of Graham Sutherland and Somerset Maugham by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Photograph of Graham Sutherland and Somerset Maugham by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Somerset Maugham by the Fitzwilliam Museum
Giver in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Somerset Maugham by the Fitzwilliam Museum
Sutherland's Role in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Somerset Maugham by the Fitzwilliam Museum
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Somerset Maugham by the Fitzwilliam Museum
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Somerset Maugham by Hans Juda
Giver in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Somerset Maugham by Hans Juda
Sutherland's Role in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Somerset Maugham by Hans Juda
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Somerset Maugham by Hans Juda
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Sketchbook of Drawings of Somerset Maugham by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Sketchbook of Drawings of Somerset Maugham by the National Portrait Gallery
Sutherland's Role in the Acquisition of a Sketchbook of Drawings of Somerset Maugham by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Sketchbook of Drawings of Somerset Maugham by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Somerset Maugham by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Somerset Maugham by the National Portrait Gallery
Sutherland's Role in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Somerset Maugham by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Somerset Maugham by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Gerald Tyrwhitt-Wilson by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Gerald Tyrwhitt-Wilson by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Gerald Tyrwhitt-Wilson by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Sutherland's Role in the Acquisition of a Painting of Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Sutherland's Role in the Acquisition of a Painting of Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Sutherland's Role in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Sutherland's Role in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Sketchbook of Drawings of Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Sketchbook of Drawings of Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Sutherland's Role in the Acquisition of a Sketchbook of Drawings of Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Sketchbook of Drawings of Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Photograph of Graham Sutherland, Kathleen Sutherland and Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Photograph of Graham Sutherland, Kathleen Sutherland and Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Sutherland's Role in the Acquisition of a Photograph of Graham Sutherland, Kathleen Sutherland and Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Photograph of Graham Sutherland, Kathleen Sutherland and Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of Negatives of Graham Sutherland, Kathleen Sutherland and Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of Negatives of Graham Sutherland, Kathleen Sutherland and Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Sutherland's Role in the Acquisition of Negatives of Graham Sutherland, Kathleen Sutherland and Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of Negatives of Graham Sutherland, Kathleen Sutherland and Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of Negatives of Graham Sutherland, Kathleen Sutherland and Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of Negatives of Graham Sutherland, Kathleen Sutherland and Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Sutherland's Role in the Acquisition of Negatives of Graham Sutherland, Kathleen Sutherland and Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of Negatives of Graham Sutherland, Kathleen Sutherland and Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of Negatives of Graham Sutherland, Kathleen Sutherland and Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of Negatives of Graham Sutherland, Kathleen Sutherland and Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Sutherland's Role in the Acquisition of Negatives of Graham Sutherland, Kathleen Sutherland and Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of Negatives of Graham Sutherland, Kathleen Sutherland and Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by the Royal College of Music
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by the Royal College of Music
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by the Royal College of Music
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by the British Library
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by the British Library
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by the British Library
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by Jennifer Loehnis
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by the National Portrait Gallery
Anderson's Role in the Acquisition of a Painting of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by Alan Anderson's Daughter
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by Alan Anderson
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by UCLH Arts Store
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by UCLH Arts Store
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by UCLH Arts Store
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of William De Morgan by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of William de Morgan by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of William de Morgan by the National Portrait Gallery
De Morgan's Role in the Acquisition of a Painting of William de Morgan by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Johnston Forbes-Robertson in the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Johnston Forbes-Robertson in the National Portrait Gallery
Forbes Robertson's Role in the Acquisition of a Bust of Johnston Forbes-Robertson in the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of Johnston Forbes-Robertson in the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Poel's Role in the Acquisition of a Painting of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Tonks' Role in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Tonks' Role in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Tonks' Role in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Tonks' Role in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Tonks' Role in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Tonks' Role in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Tonks' Role in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Tonks' Role in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Tonks' Role in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Tonks' Role in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Tonks' Role in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Iris Tree by Reading Museum and Town Hall
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Iris Tree by Reading Museum and Town Hall
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Iris Tree by Reading Museum and Town Hall
Role in the Acquisition of a Painting of Iris Tree by Reading Museum and Town Hall
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Iris Tree by Tate
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Iris Tree by Tate
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Iris Tree by Tate
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Anna Knight by Tate
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Anna Knight by Tate
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Anna Knight by Tate
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Luke Fildes by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Luke Fildes by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Luke Fildes by the National Portrait Gallery
Fildes's Role in the Acquisition of a Painting of Luke Fildes by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Luke Fildes by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Michael Balcon by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Michael Balcon by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of Michael Balcon by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Virginia Woolf by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Virginia Woolf by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of Virginia Woolf by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Virginia Woolf by Swindon Museum and Art Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Virginia Woolf by Swindon Museum and Art Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of Virginia Woolf by Swindon Museum and Art Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Virginia Woolf by the British Library
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Virginia Woolf by the British Library
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of Virginia Woolf by the British Library
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Jean Simmons by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Jean Simmons by the National Portrait Gallery
Simmons' Role in the Acquisition of a Painting of Jean Simmons by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Jean Simmons by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of William Walton by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of William Walton by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of William Walton by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Arthur Bliss by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Arthur Bliss by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Arthur Bliss by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Henry Wood by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Henry Wood by the National Portrait Gallery
Wood's Role in the Acquisition of a Painting of Henry Wood by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Henry Wood by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Henry Wood by the Royal Academy of Music
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Henry Wood by the Royal Academy of Music
Wood's Role in the Acquisition of a Painting of Henry Wood by the Royal Academy of Music
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Henry Wood by the Royal Academy of Music
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of T. S. Eliot by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of T. S. Eliot by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of T. S. Eliot by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Winston Churchill by the Government Art Collection
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Winston Churchill by the Government Art Collection
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Winston Churchill by the Government Art Collection
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of Winston Churchill by the Government Art Collection
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Winston Churchill by the Parliamentary Art Collection
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Winston Churchill by the Parliamentary Art Collection
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of Winston Churchill by the Parliamentary Art Collection
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Winston Churchill by the Parliamentary Art Collection
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Winston Churchill by the Parliamentary Art Collection
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of Winston Churchill by the Parliamentary Art Collection
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Sculpture of Winston Churchill by the Parliamentary Art Collection
Giver in the Acquisition of a Sculpture of Winston Churchill by the Parliamentary Art Collection
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Sculpture of Winston Churchill by the Parliamentary Art Collection
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Winston Churchill by Imperial War Museums
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Winston Churchill by Imperial War Museums
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Winston Churchill by Imperial War Museums
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Winston Churchill by the Government Art Collection
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Winston Churchill by the Government Art Collection
Nemon's Role in the Acquisition of a Bust of Winston Churchill by the Government Art Collection
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of Winston Churchill by the Government Art Collection
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Thomas Beecham by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Thomas Beecham by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of Thomas Beecham by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Thomas Beecham by Aberdeen Art Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Thomas Beecham by Aberdeen Art Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of Thomas Beecham by Aberdeen Art Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Thomas Beecham by the University of York
Giver in the Acquisition of a Bust of Thomas Beecham by the University of York
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Bust of Thomas Beecham by the University of York
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Eleanor Rathbone by the National Portrait Gallery
Rathbone's Role in the Acquisition of a Painting of Eleanor Rathbone by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Eleanor Rathbone by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Eleanor Rathbone by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Eleanor Rathbone by Somerville College, Oxford
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Eleanor Rathbone by Somerville College, Oxford
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Eleanor Rathbone by Somerville College, Oxford
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Eleanor Rathbone by the Parliamentary Art Collection
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Eleanor Rathbone by the Parliamentary Art Collection
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Eleanor Rathbone by the Parliamentary Art Collection
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by the Royal Free Hospital
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by the Royal Free Hospital
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by the Royal Free Hospital
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Guilhermina Suggia by Lord Duveen
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of Guilhermina Suggia by Lord Duveen
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of Guilhermina Suggia by Lord Duveen
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of King George VI by the National Portrait Gallery
Giver in the Acquisition of a Painting of King George VI by the National Portrait Gallery
Recipient in the Acquisition of a Painting of King George VI by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Recipient in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Giver in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Recipient in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Recipient in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Recipient in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Recipient in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Commodity in an Exchange of Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Giver in an Exchange of Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Recipient in an Exchange of Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Commodity in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Recipient in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Commodity in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Recipient in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Commodity in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Recipient in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Commodity in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Recipient in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Commodity in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Giver in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Recipient in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Commodity in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Recipient in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Recipient in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Recipient in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Commodity in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Recipient in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Commodity in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Giver in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Recipient in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Commodity in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Role in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Role in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Commodity in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Role in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Role in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Recipient in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Giver in an Exchange of Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Recipient in an Exchange of Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Commodity in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Recipient in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Commodity in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Recipient in an Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Commodity in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Recipient in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Role in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Role in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Commodity in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Role in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Role in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Commodity in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Role in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Role in an Exchange of Information or Ideas
Commodity in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Giver in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Recipient in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Commodity in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Recipient in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Commodity in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Recipient in an Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Giver in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Recipient in an Exchange of Food or Drink
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Giver in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Recipient in an Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Recipient in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Giver in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Recipient in an Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Commodity in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Giver in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Recipient in an Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Orpen's Studio
Army Headquarters (Place)
Sturgis' Home
Meredith's Home
Epstein's Studio
The Galsworthies' Drawing Room
The Galsworthies' Home
Hardy's Home
Conrad's Home
Rooming House
Bridges' Home
Binyon's Office
Davies' Home
Spicer Simson's Studio
Rooming House
Masefield's Home
Wells's Home
Epstein's Studio
Conrad's Home
Epstein's Studio
Nicholson's Studio
Lavery's Studio
John's Studio
Epstein's Studio
Macnamara's Home
The Harvies' Home
Marten's Home
Organ Loft
Kelly's Studio
Grand Reception Room to the State Apartments
Garter Throne Room
Dobson's Studio
Gough's Headquarters
Headquarters of the 14th Corps
Temporary Studio
Vaughan Williams's Country Home
Headquarters of the General Staff
The Blanches' Home
Blanche's Studio
Cameron's Home
The Judas' Home
The Churchills' Home
Vaughan Williams's Home
Poel's Home
Knight's Home
Sickert's Home
De Laszlo's Studio
Ayrton's Studio
Heron's Parents' Drawing Room
Heron's Home
Heron's Parents' Home
Eliot's Office
Fabers Office
William Whiteley's
Broughton's Home
Army Headquarters
Lecture Theatre
Viceroy's Palace (Place)
Buckingham Palace (Place)
Salisbury's Studio
A Domestic Interior or Studio
A Domestic or Office Interior
A Domestic or Office Interior
The Churchills' Home
Army Headquarters (Place)
Galsworthy's Publisher's Office
A Home
A Home
A Domestic or Office Interior
Trinity College (Place)
A Domestic or Office Interior
Victoria Station Hotel (Place)
Villa Mauresque (Place)
Royal Family Home
White Drawing Room (Place)
Berners' Home
Valberg (Place)
La Mamounia Hotel (Place)
A Domestic or Office Interior
Churchill's Studio
Kelly's Studio
Sargent's Studio
John's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Augustus John by William Orpen
Conder's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Augustus John by William Orpen
Costume in the Production of a Portrait of Augustus John by William Orpen
Costume in a Portrait of Augustus John by William Orpen
Costume in a Portrait of Augustus John by William Orpen
Exemplar for a Portrait of Augustus John by William Orpen (Painting)
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Augustus John by William Orpen
Orpen's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Augustus John by William Orpen
Costume in a Portrait of Gertrude Jekyll by William Nicholson
Lutyens' Role in the Production of a Portrait of Gertrude Jekyll by William Nicholson
Jekyll's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Gertrude Jekyll by William Nicholson
Prop in the Production of a Portrait of Gertrude Jekyll by William Nicholson
Schedule in the Production of a Portrait of Gertrude Jekyll by William Nicholson
Nicholson's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Gertrude Jekyll by William Nicholson
ADC's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Bernard Law Montgomery by Frank Salisbury
(Alice) Salisbury's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Bernard Law Montgomery by Frank Salisbury
Montgomery's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Bernard Law Montgomery by Frank Salisbury
Costume in the Production of a Portrait of Bernard Law Montgomery by Frank Salisbury
Costume in a Portrait of Bernard Law Montgomery by Frank Salisbury
Costume in a Portrait of Bernard Law Montgomery by Frank Salisbury
Costume in a Portrait of Bernard Law Montgomery by Frank Salisbury
Salisbury's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Bernard Law Montgomery by Frank Salisbury
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Bernard Law Montgomery by Frank Salisbury
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Bernard Law Montgomery by Frank Salisbury
Location in a Portrait of Bernard Law Montgomery by Frank Salisbury
Prop in the Production of a Portrait of Bernard Law Montgomery by Frank Salisbury
Prop in the Production of a Portrait of Bernard Law Montgomery by Frank Salisbury
Prop in a Portrait of Bernard Law Montgomery by Frank Salisbury
Schedule in the Production of a Portrait of Bernard Law Montgomery by Frank Salisbury
A Visitor in the Production of a Portrait of George Meredith by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Costume in a Portrait of George Meredith by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Meredith's Role in the Production of a Portrait of George Meredith by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Location in the Production of a Portrait of George Meredith by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Location in the Production of a Portrait of George Meredith by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Logistics in the Production of a Portrait of George Meredith by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Sturgis' Role in the Production of a Portrait of George Meredith by Theodore Spicer-Simson
The Society of Authors' Role in the Production of a Portrait of George Meredith by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Spicer-Simson's Role in the Production of a Portrait of George Meredith by Theodore Spicer-Simson
(William) Meredith's Role in the Production of a Portrait of George Meredith by Theodore Spicer-Simson
John's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Augustus John by Jacob Epstein
Design of a Portrait of Augustus John by Jacob Epstein
Epstein's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Augustus John by Jacob Epstein
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Augustus John by Jacob Epstein
(Ada) Galsworthy's Role in the Production of a Portrait of John Galsworthy by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Galsworthy's Publishers' Role in the Production of a Portrait of John Galsworthy by Theodore Spicer-Simson
The Galsworthies' Dog's Role in the Production of a Portrait of John Galsworthy by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Costume in a Portrait of John Galsworthy by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Galsworthy's Role in the Production of a Portrait of John Galsworthy by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Location in the Production of a Portrait of John Galsworthy by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Location in the Production of a Portrait of John Galsworthy by Theodore Spicer-Simson
(Margaret) Spicer-Simson's Role in the Production of a Portrait of John Galsworthy by Theodore Spicer-Simson
(Noelie) Spicer-Simson's Role in the Production of a Portrait of John Galsworthy by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Spicer-Simson's Role in the Production of a Portrait of John Galsworthy by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Hardy's Role in the Production of a Portrait of John Galsworthy by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Costume in a Portrait of Thomas Hardy by Theodore Spicer-Simson
(Florence) Hardy's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Thomas Hardy by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Galsworthy's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Thomas Hardy by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Thomas Hardy by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Thomas Hardy by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Schedule in the Production of a Portrait of Thomas Hardy by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Spicer-Simson's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Thomas Hardy by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Hardy's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Thomas Hardy by Theodore Spicer-Simson
(Ada) Galsworthy's Role in the Production of a Portrait of William Henry Hudson by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Publisher's Role in the Production of a Portrait of William Henry Hudson by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Cost in the Production of a Portrait of William Henry Hudson by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Costume in a Portrait of William Henry Hudson by Theodore Spicer-Simson
(John) Galsworthy's Role in the Production of a Portrait of William Henry Hudson by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Location in the Production of a Portrait of William Henry Hudson by Theodore Spicer-Simson
(Margaret) Spicer-Simson's Role in the Production of a Portrait of William Henry Hudson by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Spicer-Simson's Role in the Production of a Portrait of William Henry Hudson by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Hudson's Role in the Production of a Portrait of William Henry Hudson by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Driver's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Maid's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Costume in a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Theodore Spicer-Simson
(Jessie) Conrad's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Galsworthy's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Conrad's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Theodore Spicer-Simson
(Margaret) Spicer-Simson's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Spicer-Simson's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Bennett's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Arnold Bennett by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Costume in a Portrait of Arnold Bennett by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Spicer-Simson's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Arnold Bennett by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Costume in a Portrait of Robert Bridges by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Robert Bridges by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Robert Bridges by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Bridges' Role in the Production of a Portrait of Robert Bridges by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Sherman's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Robert Bridges by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Spicer-Simson's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Robert Bridges by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Costume in a Portrait of G. K. Chesterton by Theodore Spicer-Simson
(Frances) Chesterton's Role in the Production of a Portrait of G. K. Chesterton by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Chesterton's Role in the Production of a Portrait of G. K. Chesterton by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Spicer-Simson's Role in the Production of a Portrait of G. K. Chesterton by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Costume in a Portrait of W. H. Davies by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Binyon's Role in the Production of a Portrait of W. H. Davies by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Location in the Production of a Portrait of W. H. Davies by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Location in the Production of a Portrait of W. H. Davies by Theodore Spicer-Simson
(Margaret) Spicer-Simson's Role the Production of a Portrait of W. H. Davies by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Spicer-Simson's Role the Production of a Portrait of W. H. Davies by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Davies' Role the Production of a Portrait of W. H. Davies by Theodore Spicer-Simson
A Friend's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Walter de la Mare by Theodore Spicer-Simson
De la Mare's Son's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Walter de la Mare by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Costume in a Portrait of Walter de la Mare by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Ingpen's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Walter de la Mare by Theodore Spicer-Simson
(Margaret) Spicer-Simson's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Walter de la Mare by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Spicer-Simson's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Walter de la Mare by Theodore Spicer-Simson
De la Mare's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Walter de la Mare by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Costume in a Portrait of John Ervine by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Ervine's Role in the Production of a Portrait of John Ervine by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Location in the Production of a Portrait of John Ervine by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Spicer-Simson's Role in the Production of a Portrait of John Ervine by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Hodgson's Dog's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Ralph Hodgson by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Costume in a Portrait of Ralph Hodgson by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Hodgson's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Ralph Hodgson by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Spicer-Simson's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Ralph Hodgson by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Housman's Role in the Production of a Portrait of A. E. Housman by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Role in the Production of a Portrait of A. E. Housman by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Costume in a Portrait of A. E. Housman by Theodore Spicer-Simson
(Laurence) Housman's Role in the Production of a Portrait of A. E. Housman by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Location in the Production of a Portrait of A. E. Housman by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Spicer-Simson's Role in the Production of a Portrait of A. E. Housman by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Costume in a Portrait of John Masefield by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Masefield's Role in the Production of a Portrait of John Masefield by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Location in the Production of a Portrait of John Masefield by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Location in the Production of a Portrait of John Masefield by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Bridges' Role in the Production of a Portrait of John Masefield by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Spicer-Simson's Role in the Production of a Portrait of John Masefield by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Telephone Exchange Employee's Role in the Production of a Portrait of H. G. Wells by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Guests in the Production of a Portrait of H. G. Wells by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Costume in a Portrait of H. G. Wells by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Wells' Role in the Production of a Portrait of H. G. Wells by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Location in the Production of a Portrait of H. G. Wells by Theodore Spicer-Simson
(Margaret) Spicer-Simson's Role in the Production of a Portrait of H. G. Wells by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Schedule in the Production of a Portrait of H. G. Wells by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Spicer-Simson's Role in the Production of a Portrait of H. G. Wells by Theodore Spicer-Simson
A Group's Role in the Production of a Portrait of R. B. Cunninghame Graham by Jacob Epstein
Epstein's Role in the Production of a Portrait of R. B. Cunninghame Graham by Jacob Epstein
Location in the Production of a Portrait of R. B. Cunninghame Graham by Jacob Epstein
Cunninghame Graham's Role in the Production of a Portrait of R. B. Cunninghame Graham by Jacob Epstein
Role in the Production of a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Jacob Epstein
Costume in the Production of a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Jacob Epstein
Costume in the Production of a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Jacob Epstein
Design of a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Jacob Epstein
Format in a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Jacob Epstein
Epstein's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Jacob Epstein
(Jessie) Conrad's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Jacob Epstein
Conrad's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Jacob Epstein
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Jacob Epstein
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Jacob Epstein
Bone's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Jacob Epstein
The NPG's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Jacob Epstein
(Peggy Jean) Epstein's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Jacob Epstein
Curle's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Jacob Epstein
A Friend's Role in the Production of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Jacob Epstein
Costume in a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Jacob Epstein
Epstein's Role in the Production of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Jacob Epstein
Location in the Production of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Jacob Epstein
Eliot's Role in the Production of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Jacob Epstein
Koko's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Marie Tempest by William Nicholson
The Duchess of Marlborough's Dog's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Marie Tempest by William Nicholson
Costume in a Portrait of Marie Tempest by William Nicholson
Costume in a Portrait of Marie Tempest by William Nicholson
Costume in a Portrait of Marie Tempest by William Nicholson
Duchess of Marlborough's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Marie Tempest by William Nicholson
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Marie Tempest by William Nicholson
Tempest's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Marie Tempest by William Nicholson
Johnson's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Marie Tempest by William Nicholson
Nicholson's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Marie Tempest by William Nicholson
Subscribers' Role in the Production of a Portrait of Michael Foster by John Collier
Costume in a Portrait of Michael Foster by John Collier
(Ethel) Huxley's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Michael Foster by John Collier
Collier's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Michael Foster by John Collier
Location in a Portrait of Michael Foster by John Collier
(Marion) Huxley's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Michael Foster by John Collier
Foster Junior's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Michael Foster by John Collier
Foster Senior's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Michael Foster by John Collier
Prop in a Portrait of Michael Foster by John Collier
The Royal Society's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Michael Foster by John Collier
(Thomas) Huxley's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Michael Foster by John Collier
Costume in a Portrait of the Royal Family by John Lavery
Costume in a Portrait of the Royal Family by John Lavery
Costume in a Portrait of the Royal Family by John Lavery
Costume in a Portrait of the Royal Family by John Lavery
Costume in a Portrait of the Royal Family by John Lavery
Design of a Portrait of the Royal Family by John Lavery
Exemplar for a Portrait of the Royal Family by John Lavery
The Royal Family's Role in the Production of a Portrait of the Royal Family by John Lavery
Spottiswoode's Role in the Production of a Portrait of the Royal Family by John Lavery
Lavery's Role in the Production of a Portrait of the Royal Family by John Lavery
Prince Edward's Role in the Production of a Portrait of the Royal Family by John Lavery
King George V's Role in the Production of a Portrait of the Royal Family by John Lavery
Location in the Production of a Portrait of the Royal Family by John Lavery
Location in the Production of a Portrait of the Royal Family by John Lavery
Location in a Portrait of the Royal Family by John Lavery
The NPG's Role in the Production of a Portrait of the Royal Family by John Lavery
Princess Mary's Role in the Production of a Portrait of the Royal Family by John Lavery
Prop in a Portrait of the Royal Family by John Lavery
Queen Mary's Role in the Production of a Portrait of the Royal Family by John Lavery
Subject in a Portrait of the Royal Family by John Lavery
Costume in a Portrait of John Cowans by William Orpen
Cowans' Role in the Production of a Portrait of John Cowans by William Orpen
Location in a Portrait of John Cowans by William Orpen
Prop in a Portrait of John Cowans by William Orpen
The Red Cross' Role in the Production of a Portrait of John Cowans by William Orpen
Orpen's Role in the Production of a Portrait of John Cowans by William Orpen
A Collector's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Guilhermina Suggia by Augustus John
Suggia's Mother's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Guilhermina Suggia by Augustus John
The Alpine Gallery's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Guilhermina Suggia by Augustus John
Fleming's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Guilhermina Suggia by Augustus John
John's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Guilhermina Suggia by Augustus John
Costume in a Portrait of Guilhermina Suggia by Augustus John
Hudson's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Guilhermina Suggia by Augustus John
Format of Portrait of Guilhermina Suggia by Augustus John
Suggia's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Guilhermina Suggia by Augustus John
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Guilhermina Suggia by Augustus John
Location in a Portrait of Guilhermina Suggia by Augustus John
Duveen's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Guilhermina Suggia by Augustus John
Prop in the Production of a Portrait of Guilhermina Suggia by Augustus John
Prop in a Portrait of Guilhermina Suggia by Augustus John
The Tate's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Guilhermina Suggia by Augustus John
Schedule in the Production of a Portrait of Guilhermina Suggia by Augustus John
Cost in the Production of a Portrait of William Lever by William Orpen
Cost in the Production of a Portrait of William Lever by William Orpen
Costume in a Portrait of William Lever by William Orpen
Murray's Role in the Production of a Portrait of William Lever by William Orpen
Format in a Portrait of William Lever by William Orpen
Shaw's Role in the Production of a Portrait of William Lever by William Orpen
Lever's Role in the Production of a Portrait of William Lever by William Orpen
Orpen's Role in the Production of a Portrait of William Lever by William Orpen
Costume in a Portrait of George Saintsbury by William Nicholson
Costume in a Portrait of George Saintsbury by William Nicholson
Saintsbury's Role in the Production of a Portrait of George Saintsbury by William Nicholson
Location in the Production of a Portrait of George Saintsbury by William Nicholson
Location in a Portrait of George Saintsbury by William Nicholson
Nicholson's Role in the Production of a Portrait of George Saintsbury by William Nicholson
John's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Dylan Thomas by Augustus John
Macnamara's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Dylan Thomas by Augustus John
Thomas' Role in the Production of a Portrait of Dylan Thomas by Augustus John
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Dylan Thomas by Augustus John
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Dylan Thomas by Augustus John
Gleaves' Wife's Role in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Copyists' Role in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Lascelles' Role in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Hardinge's Role in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
The British Institute's Role in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Costume in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Costume in a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Costume in a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Lutyens' Role in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
(Evelyn) Harvey's Role in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Toye's Role in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Gleaves' Role in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
(Gerald) Kelly's Role in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
The Royal Family's Role in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
The Royal Household's Role in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Harris' Role in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Marten's Role in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
(Jane) Kelly's Role in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
(J. Craig) Harvey's Role in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Napper's Role in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Clark's Role in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
King George VI's Role in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Location in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Location in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Location in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Location in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Location in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Location in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Location in a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Crawford's Role in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Morshead's Role in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Princess Margaret's Role in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Prop in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Prop in a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Queen Elizabeth's Role in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Queen Elizabeth II's Role in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Queen Mary's Role in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Schedule in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Holman Hunt's Friends' Role in the Production of a Portrait of William Holman Hunt by William Blake Richmond
Richmond's Role in the Production of a Portrait of William Holman Hunt by William Blake Richmond
Holman Hunt's Role in the Production of a Portrait of William Holman Hunt by William Blake Richmond
Le Bas' Role in the Production of a Portrait of Cecil Beaton by Frank Dobson
Beaton's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Cecil Beaton by Frank Dobson
Dobson's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Cecil Beaton by Frank Dobson
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Cecil Beaton by Frank Dobson
Cost in the Production of a Portrait of William Henry Davies by Jacob Epstein
Costume in a Portrait of William Henry Davies by Jacob Epstein
Epstein's Role in the Production of a Portrait of William Henry Davies by Jacob Epstein
Davies' Role in the Production of a Portrait of William Henry Davies by Jacob Epstein
Courtiers' Role in the Production of a Portrait of Prince Edward by Frank Salisbury
Messenger's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Prince Edward by Frank Salisbury
Costume in the Production of a Portrait of Prince Edward by Frank Salisbury
Costume in a Portrait of Prince Edward by Frank Salisbury
Costume in a Portrait of Prince Edward by Frank Salisbury
Salisbury's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Prince Edward by Frank Salisbury
Prince Edward's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Prince Edward by Frank Salisbury
King George V's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Prince Edward by Frank Salisbury
The Duke of York's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Prince Edward by Frank Salisbury
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Prince Edward by Frank Salisbury
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Prince Edward by Frank Salisbury
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Prince Edward by Frank Salisbury
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Prince Edward by Frank Salisbury
Cavan's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Prince Edward by Frank Salisbury
Stamfordham's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Prince Edward by Frank Salisbury
Prince Edward's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Prince Edward by Frank Salisbury
Princess Mary's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Prince Edward by Frank Salisbury
Prop in a Portrait of Prince Edward by Frank Salisbury
Queen Mary's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Prince Edward by Frank Salisbury
Schedule in the Production of a Portrait of Prince Edward by Frank Salisbury
Epstein's Companion in the Production of a Portrait of Ralph Vaughan Williams by Jacob Epstein
Role in the Production of a Portrait of Ralph Vaughan Williams by Jacob Epstein
Epstein's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Ralph Vaughan Williams by Jacob Epstein
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Ralph Vaughan Williams by Jacob Epstein
Vaughan Williams' Role in the Production of a Portrait of Ralph Vaughan Williams by Jacob Epstein
Police Officer's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Jawaharlal Nehru by Jacob Epstein
Design of a Portrait of Jawaharlal Nehru by Jacob Epstein
Epstein's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Jawaharlal Nehru by Jacob Epstein
Nehru's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Jawaharlal Nehru by Jacob Epstein
Schedule in the Production of a Portrait of Jawaharlal Nehru by Jacob Epstein
Bowlby's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Arthur Thomas Sloggett by Frank Salisbury
Sloggett's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Arthur Thomas Sloggett by Frank Salisbury
Costume in a Portrait of Arthur Thomas Sloggett by Frank Salisbury
Costume in a Portrait of Arthur Thomas Sloggett by Frank Salisbury
McCarthy's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Arthur Thomas Sloggett by Frank Salisbury
Salisbury's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Arthur Thomas Sloggett by Frank Salisbury
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Arthur Thomas Sloggett by Frank Salisbury
Driver's Role in the Production of a Portrait of James Joyce by Jacques-Emile Blanche
Visitors' Role in the Production of a Portrait of James Joyce by Jacques-Emile Blanche
Blanche's Wife's Role in the Production of a Portrait of James Joyce by Jacques-Emile Blanche
Costume in a Portrait of James Joyce by Jacques-Emile Blanche
Blanche's Role in the Production of a Portrait of James Joyce by Jacques-Emile Blanche
Joyce's Role in the Production of a Portrait of James Joyce by Jacques-Emile Blanche
Les Amis De 1914's Role in the Production of a Portrait of James Joyce by Jacques-Emile Blanche
Location in the Production of a Portrait of James Joyce by Jacques-Emile Blanche
Location in the Production of a Portrait of James Joyce by Jacques-Emile Blanche
Location in a Portrait of James Joyce by Jacques-Emile Blanche
Logistics in the Production of a Portrait of James Joyce by Jacques-Emile Blanche
Prop in a Portrait of James Joyce by Jacques-Emile Blanche
Prop in a Portrait of James Joyce by Jacques-Emile Blanche
Lemasle's Role in the Production of a Portrait of James Joyce by Jacques-Emile Blanche
Schedule in the Production of a Portrait of James Joyce by Jacques-Emile Blanche
Trustees' Role in the Production of a Portrait of Harold Lee-Dillon by Sydney Carline
Holmes' Role in the Production of a Portrait of Harold Lee-Dillon by Sydney Carline
Costume in a Portrait of Harold Lee-Dillon by Sydney Carline
Costume in a Portrait of Harold Lee-Dillon by Sydney Carline
Design of a Portrait of Harold Lee-Dillon by Sydney Carline
Design of a Portrait of Harold Lee-Dillon by Sydney Carline
Dillon's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Harold Lee-Dillon by Sydney Carline
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Harold Lee-Dillon by Sydney Carline
The NPG's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Harold Lee-Dillon by Sydney Carline
Carline's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Harold Lee-Dillon by Sydney Carline
A Cafe Owner's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Somerset Maugham by Graham Sutherland
Searle's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Somerset Maugham by Graham Sutherland
Cost in the Production of a Portrait of Somerset Maugham by Graham Sutherland
Cost in the Production of a Portrait of Somerset Maugham by Graham Sutherland
Costume in the Production of a Portrait of Somerset Maugham by Graham Sutherland
Costume in the Production of a Portrait of Somerset Maugham by Graham Sutherland
Costume in a Portrait of Somerset Maugham by Graham Sutherland
Costume in a Portrait of Somerset Maugham by Graham Sutherland
Costume in a Portrait of Somerset Maugham by Graham Sutherland
Knollys' Role in the Production of a Portrait of Somerset Maugham by Graham Sutherland
The Fitzwilliam Museum's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Somerset Maugham by Graham Sutherland
Format of a Portrait of Somerset Maugham by Graham Sutherland
(Graham) Sutherland's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Somerset Maugham by Graham Sutherland
(Hans) Juda's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Somerset Maugham by Graham Sutherland
(Kathleen) Sutherland's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Somerset Maugham by Graham Sutherland
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Somerset Maugham by Graham Sutherland
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Somerset Maugham by Graham Sutherland
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Somerset Maugham by Graham Sutherland
Wheeler's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Somerset Maugham by Graham Sutherland
Prop in the Production of a Portrait of Somerset Maugham by Graham Sutherland
Maugham's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Somerset Maugham by Graham Sutherland
Costume in a Portrait of Gerald Tyrwhitt-Wilson by Rex Whistler
Costume in a Portrait of Gerald Tyrwhitt-Wilson by Rex Whistler
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Gerald Tyrwhitt-Wilson by Rex Whistler
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Gerald Tyrwhitt-Wilson by Rex Whistler
Berners' Role in the Production of a Portrait of Gerald Tyrwhitt-Wilson by Rex Whistler
Prop in a Portrait of Gerald Tyrwhitt-Wilson by Rex Whistler
Whistler's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Gerald Tyrwhitt-Wilson by Rex Whistler
The 80th Birthday Committee's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
(Adelaide) Doughty's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
MPs' Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Searle's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Hecht's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
The Birthday Presentation Fund's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
(Charles) Doughty's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
(Clementine) Churchill's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Cost in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Cost in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Cost in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Costume in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Costume in a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
(Elsbeth) Juda's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Man's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
McLeavy's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Sutherland's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
(Hans) Juda's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Gunn's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
(Jane) Clark's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Lee's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Colville's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
(June) Churchill's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
(Kathleen) Sutherland's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
(Kenneth) Clark's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Beaverbrook's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Moran's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
(Mary) Soames' Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Bevan's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Nemon's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
(Randolph) Churchill's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Schedule in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Soames' Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Maugham's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Evill's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
(Winston) Churchill's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
(Adeline) Fisher's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Ralph Vaughan Williams by David McFall
(Cordelia) Fisher's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Ralph Vaughan Williams by David McFall
McFall's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Ralph Vaughan Williams by David McFall
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Ralph Vaughan Williams by David McFall
Vaughan Williams' Role in the Production of a Portrait of Ralph Vaughan Williams by David McFall
Schedule in the Production of a Portrait of Ralph Vaughan Williams by David McFall
A Friend's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by John Singer Sargent
Costume in the Production of a Portrait of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by John Singer Sargent
Costume in the Production of a Portrait of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by John Singer Sargent
Costume in a Portrait of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by John Singer Sargent
Costume in a Portrait of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by John Singer Sargent
Design of a Portrait of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by John Singer Sargent
Anderson's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by John Singer Sargent
Sargent's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by John Singer Sargent
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by John Singer Sargent
(Evelyn) de Morgan's Role in the Production of a Portrait of William de Morgan by Evelyn de Morgan
Location in a Portrait of William de Morgan by Evelyn de Morgan
Prop in a Portrait of William De Morgan by Evelyn De Morgan
Prop in a Portrait of William de Morgan by Evelyn de Morgan
(William) de Morgan's Role in the Production of a Portrait of William de Morgan by Evelyn de Morgan
Heinemann in the Production of a Portrait of William de Morgan by Evelyn de Morgan
Fuchs' Role in the Production of a Portrait of Johnston Forbes-Robertson by Emil Fuchs
Forbes Robertson's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Johnston Forbes-Robertson by Emil Fuchs
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Johnston Forbes-Robertson by Emil Fuchs
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Johnston Forbes-Robertson by Emil Fuchs
Poel's Friends' Role in the Production of a Portrait of William Poel by Henry Tonks
Subscribers' Role in the Production of a Portrait of William Poel by Henry Tonks
Gomme's Role in the Production of a Portrait of William Poel by Henry Tonks
Reed's Role in the Production of a Portrait of William Poel by Henry Tonks
Costume in a Portrait of William Poel by Henry Tonks
Costume in a Portrait of William Poel by Henry Tonks
Costume in a Portrait of William Poel by Henry Tonks
Salisbury's Role in the Production of a Portrait of William Poel by Henry Tonks
Whitworth's Role in the Production of a Portrait of William Poel by Henry Tonks
Shaw's Role in the Production of a Portrait of William Poel by Henry Tonks
Tonks' Role in the Production of a Portrait of William Poel by Henry Tonks
Location in the Production of a Portrait of William Poel by Henry Tonks
Location in a Portrait of William Poel by Henry Tonks
The NPG's Role in the Production of a Portrait of William Poel by Henry Tonks
Keegan's Role in the Production of a Portrait of William Poel by Henry Tonks
The Portrait Fund's Role in the Production of a Portrait of William Poel by Henry Tonks
Prop in a Portrait of William Poel by Henry Tonks
Poel's Role in the Production of a Portrait of William Poel by Henry Tonks
Steer's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Poel
Grant's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Iris Tree by Vanessa Bell
Tree's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Iris Tree by Vanessa Bell
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Iris Tree by Vanessa Bell
Location in a Portrait of Iris Tree by Vanessa Bell
Fry's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Iris Tree by Vanessa Bell
Bell's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Iris Tree by Vanessa Bell
Knight's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Anna Knight by Walter Sickert
The Bath Academy of Art's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Anna Knight by Walter Sickert
The Bath Society of Artists' Role in the Production of a Portrait of Anna Knight by Walter Sickert
(Charles) Knight's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Anna Knight by Walter Sickert
Ellis' Role in the Production of a Portrait of Anna Knight by Walter Sickert
Costume in a Portrait of Anna Knight by Walter Sickert
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Anna Knight by Walter Sickert
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Anna Knight by Walter Sickert
Location in a Portrait of Anna Knight by Walter Sickert
Lessore's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Anna Knight by Walter Sickert
Sickert's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Anna Knight by Walter Sickert
Costume in a Portrait of Luke Fildes by Philip de Laszlo
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Luke Fildes by Philip de Laszlo
Fildes Junior's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Luke Fildes by Philip de Laszlo
Fildes Senior's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Luke Fildes by Philip de Laszlo
De Laszlo's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Luke Fildes by Philip de Laszlo
Hitchcock's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Michael Balcon by Jacob Epstein
Costume in a Portrait of Michael Balcon by Jacob Epstein
The Gaumont British Company's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Michael Balcon by Jacob Epstein
Epstein's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Michael Balcon by Jacob Epstein
Maxwell's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Michael Balcon by Jacob Epstein
Balcon's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Michael Balcon by Jacob Epstein
Schedule in the Production of a Portrait of Virginia Woolf by Stephen Tomlin
Tomlin's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Virginia Woolf by Stephen Tomlin
Woolf's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Virginia Woolf by Stephen Tomlin
Design of a Portrait of Jean Simmons by Matthew Smith
Simmons' Role in the Production of a Portrait of Jean Simmons by Matthew Smith
Smith's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Jean Simmons by Matthew Smith
Costume in a Portrait of William Walton by Michael Ayrton
Location in the Production of a Portrait of William Walton by Michael Ayrton
Location in the Production of a Portrait of William Walton by Michael Ayrton
Location in a Portrait of William Walton by Michael Ayrton
Ayrton's Role in the Production of a Portrait of William Walton by Michael Ayrton
Prop in a Portrait of William Walton by Michael Ayrton
Prop in a Portrait of William Walton by Michael Ayrton
Walton's Role in the Production of a Portrait of William Walton by Michael Ayrton
Viewers' Role in the Production of a Portrait of Arthur Bliss by Mark Gertler
Bliss' Role in the Production of a Portrait of Arthur Bliss by Mark Gertler
Costume in a Portrait of Arthur Bliss by Mark Gertler
Gertler's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Arthur Bliss by Mark Gertler
Prop in a Portrait of Arthur Bliss by Mark Gertler
(Alice) Salisbury's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Henry Wood by Frank Salisbury
Costume in a Portrait of Henry Wood by Frank Salisbury
Salisbury's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Henry Wood by Frank Salisbury
Wood's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Henry Wood by Frank Salisbury
Greatrex's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Henry Wood by Frank Salisbury
The NPG's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Henry Wood by Frank Salisbury
Prop in the Production of a Portrait of Henry Wood by Frank Salisbury
Prop in a Portrait of Henry Wood by Frank Salisbury
The Royal College of Music's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Henry Wood by Frank Salisbury
Costume in the Production of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Patrick Heron
(Delia) Heron's Role in the Production of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Patrick Heron
(Eulalie Mabel) Heron's Role in the Production of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Patrick Heron
Braque's Role in the Production of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Patrick Heron
Matisse's Role in the Production of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Patrick Heron
The Leicester Education Authority's Role in the Production of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Patrick Heron
Location in the Production of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Patrick Heron
Location in the Production of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Patrick Heron
Location in the Production of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Patrick Heron
The National Portrait Gallery's Role in the Production of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Patrick Heron
Picasso's Role in the Production of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Patrick Heron
Heron's Role in the Production of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Patrick Heron
Bonnard's Role in the Production of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Patrick Heron
The Redfern Gallery's Role in the Production of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Patrick Heron
(Tom) Heron's Role in the Production of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Patrick Heron
Eliot's Role in the Production of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Patrick Heron
Lewis' Role in the Production of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Patrick Heron
Laforgue's Wife's Role in the Production of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Patrick Heron
(Clementine) Churchill's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Oscar Nemon
Location in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Oscar Nemon
Nemon's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Oscar Nemon
Queen Elizabeth II's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Oscar Nemon
Laforgue's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Oscar Nemon
Henley's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Oscar Nemon
Churchill's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Oscar Nemon
Wynne's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Thomas Beecham by David Wynne
Prop in a Portrait of Thomas Beecham by David Wynne
Royal Philharmonic Society's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Thomas Beecham by David Wynne
Beecham's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Thomas Beecham by David Wynne
Rathbone's Friends' Role in the Production of a Portrait of Eleanor Rathbone by James Gunn
Costume in a Portrait of Eleanor Rathbone by James Gunn
Rathbone's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Eleanor Rathbone by James Gunn
Gunn's Role in the Production of a Portrait of Eleanor Rathbone by James Gunn
Location in a Portrait of Eleanor Rathbone by James Gunn
Prop in a Portrait of Eleanor Rathbone by James Gunn
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Augustus John by William Orpen
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Gertrude Jekyll by William Nicholson
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Bernard Law Montgomery by Frank Salisbury
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of George Meredith by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Augustus John by Jacob Epstein
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of John Galsworthy by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Thomas Hardy by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of William Henry Hudson by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Arnold Bennett by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Robert Bridges by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of G. K. Chesterton by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of W. H. Davies by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Walter de la Mare by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of John Ervine by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Ralph Hodgson by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of A. E. Housman by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of John Masefield by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of H. G. Wells by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of R. B. Cunninghame Graham by Jacob Epstein
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Jacob Epstein
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Jacob Epstein
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Marie Tempest by William Nicholson
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Michael Foster by John Collier
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of the Royal Family by John Lavery
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of John Cowans by William Orpen
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Guilhermina Suggia by Augustus John
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of William Lever by William Orpen
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of George Saintsbury by William Nicholson
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Dylan Thomas by Augustus John
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of William Holman Hunt by William Blake Richmond
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Cecil Beaton by Frank Dobson
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of William Henry Davies by Jacob Epstein
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Prince Edward by Frank Salisbury
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Ralph Vaughan Williams by Jacob Epstein
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Jawaharlal Nehru by Jacob Epstein
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Arthur Thomas Sloggett by Frank Salisbury
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of James Joyce by Jacques-Emile Blanche
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Harold Lee-Dillon by Sydney Carline
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Somerset Maugham by Graham Sutherland
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Gerald Tyrwhitt-Wilson by Rex Whistler
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland, 1954
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Ralph Vaughan Williams by David McFall
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by John Singer Sargent
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of William de Morgan by Evelyn de Morgan, 1909
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Johnston Forbes-Robertson by Emil Fuchs
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of William Poel by Henry Tonks
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Iris Tree by Vanessa Bell
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Anna Knight by Walter Sickert
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Luke Fildes by Philip de Laszlo
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Michael Balcon by Jacob Epstein
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Virginia Woolf by Stephen Tomlin
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Jean Simmons by Matthew Smith
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of William Walton by Michael Ayrton
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Arthur Bliss by Mark Gertler
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Henry Wood by Frank Salisbury
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Patrick Heron
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Oscar Nemon
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Thomas Beecham by David Wynne
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Eleanor Rathbone by James Gunn
Artist in the Production of a Portrait of Philip de Laszlo by Luke Fildes
Sitter in the Production of a Portrait of Philip de Laszlo by Luke Fildes
Sickert's Role in an Event
Blanche's Role in Sickert's Opinion
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Augustus John by William Orpen
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Gertrude Jekyll by William Nicholson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Bernard Law Montgomery by Frank Salisbury
Product in the Production of a Portrait of George Meredith by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Augustus John by Jacob Epstein
Product in the Production of a Portrait of John Galsworthy by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Thomas Hardy by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of William Henry Hudson by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Arnold Bennett by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Robert Bridges by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of G. K. Chesterton by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of W. H. Davies by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Walter De la Mare by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of John Ervine by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Ralph Hodgson by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of A. E. Housman by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of John Masefield by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of H. G. Wells by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of R. B. Cunninghame Graham by Jacob Epstein
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Jacob Epstein
Product in the Production of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Jacob Epstein
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Marie Tempest by William Nicholson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Michael Foster by John Collier
Product in the Production of a Portrait of the Royal Family by John Lavery
Product in the Production of a Portrait of John Cowans by William Orpen
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Guilhermina Suggia by Augustus John
Product in the Production of a Portrait of William Lever by William Orpen
Product in the Production of a Portrait of George Saintsbury by William Nicholson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Dylan Thomas by Augustus John
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Dylan Thomas by Augustus John
Product in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Product in the Production of a Portrait of William Holman Hunt by William Blake Richmond
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Cecil Beaton by Frank Dobson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of William Henry Davies by Jacob Epstein
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Prince Edward by Frank Salisbury
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Ralph Vaughan Williams by Jacob Epstein
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Jawaharlal Nehru by Jacob Epstein
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Arthur Thomas Sloggett by Frank Salisbury
Product in the Production of a Portrait of James Joyce by Jacques-Emile Blanche
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Harold Lee-Dillon by Sydney Carline
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Somerset Maugham by Graham Sutherland
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Gerald Tyrwhitt-Wilson by Rex Whistler
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Ralph Vaughan Williams by David McFall
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by John Singer Sargent
Product in the Production of a Portrait of William De Morgan by Evelyn De Morgan
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Johnston Forbes-Robertson by Emil Fuchs
Product in the Production of a Portrait of William Poel by Henry Tonks
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Iris Tree by Vanessa Bell
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Anna Knight by Walter Sickert
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Luke Fildes by Philip De Laszlo
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Michael Balcon by Jacob Epstein
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Virginia Woolf by Stephen Tomlin
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Jean Simmons by Matthew Smith
Product in the Production of a Portrait of William Walton by Michael Ayrton
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Arthur Bliss by Mark Gertler
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Henry Wood by Frank Salisbury
Product in the Production of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Patrick Heron
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Oscar Nemon
Product in in the Production of a Portrait of Thomas Beecham by David Wynne
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Eleanor Rathbone by James Gunn
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Augustus John by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Thomas Carlyle by Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Gertrude Jekyll by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Gertrude Jekyll by the Godalming Museum
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Gertrude Jekyll's Boots by Tate
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Bernard Law Montgomery by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Bernard Law Montgomery by the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers Museum
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of George Meredith by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Augustus John by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Augustus John by National Museum Wales
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Augustus John by Glasgow Museums Resource Centre
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of John Galsworthy by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of John Galsworthy by the University of Birmingham
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of Ada Galsworthy by the University of Birmingham
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of Thomas Hardy by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of Thomas Hardy by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of William Henry Hudson by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of Joseph Conrad by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of Arnold Bennett by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of Robert Bridges by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of Robert Bridges by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of G. K. Chesterton by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of William Henry Davies by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of Walter De la Mare in the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of John Ervine by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of Ralph Hodgson by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of Ralph Hodgson by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of A. E. Housman by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of John Masefield by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of John Masefield by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of H. G. Wells by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of R. B. Cunninghame Graham by Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of R. B. Cunninghame Graham by Manchester Art Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of R. B. Cunninghame Graham by the Scottish National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of R. B. Cunninghame Graham by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of R. B. Cunninghame Graham by Aberdeen Art Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Joseph Conrad by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Joseph Conrad by Canterbury Museums and Galleries
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Joseph Conrad by Manchester Art Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Joseph Conrad by Salford Museum and Art Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of T. S. Eliot by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of T. S. Eliot by Merton College, Oxford
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of T. S. Eliot by The New Art Gallery, Walsall
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Marie Tempest by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Marie Tempest by W. Claude Johnson
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Marie Tempest by Marie Tempest
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Michael Foster by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Michael Foster by the Royal Society
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of the Royal Family by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of the Royal Family by the Ulster Museum
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of John Cowans by Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Guilhermina Suggia by Tate
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Guilhermina Suggia by 'an American collector'
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Guilhermina Suggia by the National Museum Wales
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Guilhermina Suggia by the Ingram Collection of Modern British and Contemporary Art
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Guilhermina Suggia by Tate
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Lord Leverhulme by Bolton Town Hall
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of George Saintsbury by Merton College, Oxford
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Dylan Thomas by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Dylan Thomas by National Museum Wales
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of King George VI by the Royal Collection
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Queen Elizabeth by the Royal Collection
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Queen Elizabeth by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Queen Elizabeth by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Print of Queen Elizabeth by the Royal Collection
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Print of Queen Elizabeth by the Royal Collection
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Print of King George VI by the Royal Collection
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Print of King George VI by the Royal Collection
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Print of King George VI by the Royal Collection
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Print of King George VI by the Royal Collection
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Print of Queen Elizabeth by the Royal Collection
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Print of Queen Elizabeth by the Royal Collection
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of William Holman Hunt by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Cecil Beaton by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Photograph of Frank Dobson with a Bust of Cecil Beaton by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of William Henry Davies by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of William Henry Davies by Newport Museum and Art Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Prince Edward by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by the Royal College of Music
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by The Higgins Bedford
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by the University of York
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by the Arts Council Collection
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by the University of Abderdeen
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by Manchester Art Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by Southampton City Art Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Jawaharlal Nehru by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Jawaharlal Nehru by Derby Museum and Art Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Arthur Thomas Sloggett by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Emma Maud McCarthy by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of James Joyce by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of James Joyce by UCL Art Museum
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Medal of Harold Lee-Dillon by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Somerset Maugham by Tate
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Photograph of Graham Sutherland with a Painting of Somerset Maugham by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Photograph of Graham Sutherland and Somerset Maugham by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Somerset Maugham by the Fitzwilliam Museum
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Somerset Maugham by Hans Juda
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Sketchbook of Drawings of Somerset Maugham by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Somerset Maugham by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Gerald Tyrwhitt-Wilson by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Sketchbook of Drawings of Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Photograph of Graham Sutherland, Kathleen Sutherland and Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of Negatives of Graham Sutherland, Kathleen Sutherland and Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of Negatives of Graham Sutherland, Kathleen Sutherland and Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of Negatives of Graham Sutherland, Kathleen Sutherland and Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by the Royal College of Music
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Ralph Vaughan Williams by the British Library
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by Jennifer Loehnis
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by Alan Anderson's Daughter
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by Alan Anderson
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by UCLH Arts Store
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of William De Morgan by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Johnston Forbes-Robertson in the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Drawing of William Poel by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Iris Tree by Reading Museum and Town Hall
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Iris Tree by Tate
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Anna Knight by Tate
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Luke Fildes by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Michael Balcon by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Virginia Woolf by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Virginia Woolf by Swindon Museum and Art Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Virginia Woolf by the British Library
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Jean Simmons by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of William Walton by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Arthur Bliss by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Henry Wood by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Henry Wood by the Royal Academy of Music
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of T. S. Eliot by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Winston Churchill by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Winston Churchill by the Government Art Collection
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Winston Churchill by the Parliamentary Art Collection
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Winston Churchill by the Parliamentary Art Collection
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Sculpture of Winston Churchill by the Parliamentary Art Collection
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Winston Churchill by Imperial War Museums
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Winston Churchill by the Government Art Collection
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Thomas Beecham by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Thomas Beecham by Aberdeen Art Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Bust of Thomas Beecham by the University of York
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Eleanor Rathbone by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Eleanor Rathbone by Somerville College, Oxford
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Eleanor Rathbone by the Parliamentary Art Collection
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by the Royal Free Hospital
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of Guilhermina Suggia by Lord Duveen
Commodity in the Acquisition of a Painting of King George VI by the National Portrait Gallery
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Commodity in an Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exemplar for a Portrait of Augustus John by William Orpen (Painting)
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Augustus John by William Orpen
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Gertrude Jekyll by William Nicholson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Bernard Law Montgomery by Frank Salisbury
Product in the Production of a Portrait of George Meredith by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Augustus John by Jacob Epstein
Product in the Production of a Portrait of John Galsworthy by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Thomas Hardy by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of William Henry Hudson by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Arnold Bennett by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Robert Bridges by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of G. K. Chesterton by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of W. H. Davies by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Walter De la Mare by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of John Ervine by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Ralph Hodgson by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of A. E. Housman by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of John Masefield by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of H. G. Wells by Theodore Spicer-Simson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of R. B. Cunninghame Graham by Jacob Epstein
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Jacob Epstein
Product in the Production of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Jacob Epstein
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Marie Tempest by William Nicholson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Michael Foster by John Collier
Exemplar for a Portrait of the Royal Family by John Lavery
Product in the Production of a Portrait of the Royal Family by John Lavery
Product in the Production of a Portrait of John Cowans by William Orpen
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Guilhermina Suggia by Augustus John
Product in the Production of a Portrait of William Lever by William Orpen
Product in the Production of a Portrait of George Saintsbury by William Nicholson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Dylan Thomas by Augustus John
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Dylan Thomas by Augustus John
Product in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Prop in the Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly
Product in the Production of a Portrait of William Holman Hunt by William Blake Richmond
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Cecil Beaton by Frank Dobson
Product in the Production of a Portrait of William Henry Davies by Jacob Epstein
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Prince Edward by Frank Salisbury
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Ralph Vaughan Williams by Jacob Epstein
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Jawaharlal Nehru by Jacob Epstein
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Arthur Thomas Sloggett by Frank Salisbury
Product in the Production of a Portrait of James Joyce by Jacques-Emile Blanche
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Harold Lee-Dillon by Sydney Carline
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Somerset Maugham by Graham Sutherland
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Gerald Tyrwhitt-Wilson by Rex Whistler
Prop in a Portrait of Gerald Tyrwhitt-Wilson by Rex Whistler
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Ralph Vaughan Williams by David McFall
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by John Singer Sargent
Product in the Production of a Portrait of William De Morgan by Evelyn De Morgan
Prop in a Portrait of William De Morgan by Evelyn De Morgan
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Johnston Forbes-Robertson by Emil Fuchs
Product in the Production of a Portrait of William Poel by Henry Tonks
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Iris Tree by Vanessa Bell
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Anna Knight by Walter Sickert
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Luke Fildes by Philip De Laszlo
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Michael Balcon by Jacob Epstein
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Virginia Woolf by Stephen Tomlin
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Jean Simmons by Matthew Smith
Product in the Production of a Portrait of William Walton by Michael Ayrton
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Arthur Bliss by Mark Gertler
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Henry Wood by Frank Salisbury
Product in the Production of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Patrick Heron
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Oscar Nemon
Product in in the Production of a Portrait of Thomas Beecham by David Wynne
Product in the Production of a Portrait of Eleanor Rathbone by James Gunn
Conversation about Family, Conrad and Money
Conversation about Food, Music and Mutual Friends
Conversation about Salisbury's Father
Conversation about Sargent and Dogs
Conversation about Conrad
Conversation about Literature
Conversation about Literature
Conversation about Literature and Portraiture
Conversation about Literature and Portraiture
Conversation about Money
Conversation about Music
Conversation about Politics
Conversation about Portraiture
Conversation about Queen Victoria
Conversation about Responsibility
Conversation about Eliot
Conversation about the Garden
Conversation about the Portrait
Conversation about the Portrait
Conversation about the Portrait
Conversation about the Portrait
Conversation about the Telephone
Conversation about Travel
Conversation about Trees
Conversation about Lewis
Conversation about Animal Rights
John Seated
Montgomery Pointing
Conrad Fidgeting
Suggia Playing the Cello
Churchill Fidgeting
Churchill Smoking
Churchill Dictating Letters
Vaughan Williams Composing
Eliot Using the Telephone
Churchill Smoking
Churchill Sculpting
Beecham Conducting
John Seated
Jekyll Seated
Montgomery Gazing Up, Standing and Pointing
Tempest Seated
Foster Standing and Teaching
Queen Mary Seated
Princess Mary Seated
King George V Standing
Prince Edward Standing
Cowans Seated
Suggia Seated and Playing the Cello
Lever Seated
Saintsbury Seated
King George VI Standing
Holman Hunt with Arms Closed
Davies Gazing Up
Joyce Standing and Smoking
Maugham Seated
Tyrwhitt-Wilson Seated and Painting
Churchill Seated
Vaughan Williams Gazing Down
Poel Standing
Tree Seated
Knight Sitting
Simmons Seated and Gazing Down
Walton Seated and Smoking
Bliss Seated and Playing the Piano
Wood Seated
Eliot Smoking
Churchill Gazing Down
Beecham Gazing Down and Conducting
Rathbone Seated
Portrait Reproduction
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Portrait Presentation
Acquisition by King George V
Portrait Presentation
Portrait Reproduction
Acquisition by Subscribers
Portrait Presentation
Portrait Display
Churchill's 80th Birthday
Other Purpose
Poel's 80th Birthday
Portrait Presentation
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Wood's Jubilee
Portrait Display
Portrait Reproduction
Portrait Reproduction
Acquisition by the Royal Society
Acquisition by Suggia
Other Purpose
King George VI in a 'Decorative Pose'
Acquisition by the British Institute in Florence
Portrait Reproduction
King George VI's Coronation
Other Purpose (Relieve Guilt)
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
John's Opinion of the Portrait
Nicholson's Opinion of Jekyll
Jekyll's Reluctance
Portrait Meeting
Request for a Portrait
Flight to Berlin
Portrait Sitting
Portrait Sitting
Portrait Construction
Request for a Portrait
Portrait Display
Visit to England
Request for a Portrait
Lunch at Sturgis' Home
Journey to Meredith's House
Visit to Meredith
Meredith's Death
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Portrait Sitting
Epstein's Ambition to Portray John
Epstein's Opinion
Unknown Event
Epstein's Opinion of the Portrait
Epstein's Opinion of the Portrait
Visit to England
Spicer-Simson's Ambition to Portray Authors
Galsworthy's Meeting
Visit to Galsworthy
Portrait Sitting
Visit to England
The Spicer-Simsons' Stay with Noelie Spicer-Simson
Visit to the Galsworthies
Spicer-Simson's Opinion of the Galsworthies
Tea at the Galsworthies' Home
Request for a Portrait
Galsworthy's Opinion of the Portrait
Spicer-Simson's Stay with Hardy
Spicer-Simson's Stay at a Hotel
Portrait Sitting
Hardy's Wife's Opinion of the Portrait
Anticipated Refusal to Sit
Spicer-Simson's Opinion of Hudson
Agreement to Sit
Lunch at William Whiteley's
Spicer-Simson's Opinion of Hudson
Hudson's Gratitude
Anticipated Journey to Conrad's House
Pilgrimage to Canterbury Cathedral
Journey to Conrad's House
Lunch at Conrad's Home
Spicer-Simson's Opinion of Lunch
Anticipated Opinion
Spicer-Simson's Opinion of Bennett
Spicer-Simson's Opinion of Bridges
Spicer-Simson's Enjoyment
Disagreement about Bridges
Anticipated Portrait Reproduction
Spicer-Simson's Ambition to Portray Chesterton
Spicer-Simson's Opinion of Chesterton
Anticipated Opinion
Spicer-Simson's Opinion of Chesterton
Chesterton's Wife's Opinion of the Portrait
Tea at Binyon's Office
The Spicer-Simsons' Opinion of Davies
Portrait Sitting
Davies' Relief
Spicer-Simson's Opinion of Portrait Production
Tea at the de la Mares' Home
Spicer-Simson's Opinion of Portrait Production
Spicer-Simson's Opinion of the Portrait
Agreement to Sit
Ervine's Injury
Visit to Hodgson
Hodgson's Gratitude
Hodgson's Opinion of the Portrait
Visit to Housman
Agreement to Sit
Spicer-Simson's Opinion of Portrait Production
Anticipated Visit to Spicer-Simson
Journey to Oxford
Spicer-Simson's Stay at a Rooming House
Journey to Boar's Hill
Spicer-Simson's Opinion of Masefield
Refusal to Sit
Visit to Wells
Visit to Wells
Epstein's Opinion of Cunninghame Graham
Social Event at the Studio
Epstein's Ambition to Portray Conrad
Epstein's Opinion of Conrad
Meeting in London
Journey to Conrad's House
Epstein's Stay at an Inn
Epstein's Opinion of the Inn
Epstein's Opinion of Portrait Production
Epstein's Opinion of Portrait Production
Lunch at Conrad's Home
Tea at Conrad's Home
Epstein's Opinion of Conrad
Conrad's Illness
Visit to Conrad
Conrad's Heart Attack
Conrad's Wife's Opinion of the Portrait
Conrad's Opinion of the Portrait
Anticipated Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Refusal to Acquire a Portrait
Portrait Construction
Conrad's Death
Epstein's Ambition to Portray Eliot
Epstein's Opinion of Eliot
Eliot's Opinion of Epstein
Epstein's Enjoyment
Tempest's Worry
Reassurance (Event)
Loan of a Dog
Portrait Sitting
Portrait Display
Acquisition by Johnson
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Portrait Construction
Acquisition by Foster Senior
Portrait Sitting
Foster Senior's Death
Portrait Display
Portrait Production
Anticipated Acquisition by the Royal Society
Acquisition by the Royal Society
Portrait Display
Foster Senior's Wife's Death
Acquisition by Foster Junior
Anticipated Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Foster Junior's Active Service
Portrait Review
Portrait Review
Portrait Construction
Portrait Construction
Portrait Review
The King and Queen's Opinion of the Portrait
Lavery's Opinion of Portrait Production
Friendship between orpen and Cowans
Hulton and Suggia's Engagement
Anticipated Acquisition by Suggia
Acquisition by a Collector
Portrait Display
Acquisition by Duveen
Acquisition by Tate
Music Event
John's Listening Experience
Lunch at John's Studio
Suggia's Enjoyment
Suggia's Opinion of the Portrait
Suggia's Mother's Opinion of the Portrait
John's Opinion of Suggia
Recommendation (Event)
Agreement about Pose
Acquisition by Leverhulme
Disagreement about Cost
Nicholson's Opinion of Portrait Production
Nicholson's Opinion of Portrait Production
The Thomases' Stay with the Macnamaras
Social Event (Visiting the Pub)
Social Event (Playing Shove-Ha'Penny)
Portrait Sitting
John's Opinion of the Portraits
Recommendation (Event)
The King's Opinion of his Costume
The King's Discomfort
Kelly's Opinion of the Queen
Portrait Sitting
Portrait Construction
Portrait Construction
Kelly's Stay at Marten's Home
Portrait Production
(Evelyn) Harvey's Opinion of Portrait Production
Kelly's Stay at Harvey's Home
The King's Opinion of Portrait Production
Walk to Eton
Visit to Harris
Napper's Active Service
Kelly's Stay at Windsor Castle
Meals at Windsor Castle
Bombing of Buckingham Palace
Social Event
Anticipated Portrait Display
Portrait Sitting
Social Event
Social Event
Portrait Review
Portrait Display
Portrait Reproduction
Copyists' Opinion of Portrait Production
Anticipated Acquisition by the British Institute in Florence
Acquisition by the British Institute in Florence
Kelly's Illness
Kelly's Stay at Windsor Castle
Lunch at Windsor Castle
Kelly's Knighthood
King George VI's Illness
Holman Hunt's 73rd Birthday
Beaton's Enjoyment
Portrait Sitting
Beaton's Opinion of the Portrait
Portrait Reception
Journey to Beaton's Home
Portrait Sitting
Agreement to Sit
Anticipated Acquisition by Davies
Davies' Desire to Own Artworks
Anticipated Portrait Sitting
Journey to the Headquarters of the 14th Corps
Social Event
Portrait Sitting
Tea near the Battlefields
Portrait Review
The King and Queen's Opinion of the Portrait
Prince Edward's Leave
Visit to Buckingham Palace
Portrait Review
Portrait Review
Portrait Sitting
Portrait Sitting
King George VI's Meeting
Portrait Review
Portrait Review
Request for a Portrait
Epstein's Opinion of Vaughan Williams
Social Event
Music Event
Portrait Reception
Epstein's Opinion of the Portrait
Epstein's Opinion of the Portrait
Anticipated Portrait Reception
Visit to the Battlefields
Breakfast near the Battlefields
Journey to the Headquarters of General Staff
Salisbury's Boredom
Salisbury's Opinion of the Officers
Blanche's Opinion of Ulysses
Visit to Blanche's Studio
Social Event
Visit to Blanche's Wife
Blanche's Opinion of the Portrait
Journey to Blanche's Studio
Blanche's Opinion of the Portrait
Holmes' Opinion of Dillon
Holmes' Opinion of the Portrait
Acquisition by Trustees
Lunch at the Mauresque
Lunch at la Fiorentina
Sutherland's Reluctance
Maugham's Opinion of Portrait Production
Portrait Construction
Portrait Construction
Acquisition by (Hans) Juda
Acquisition by the Fitzwilliam Museum
Portrait Construction
Portrait Construction
Portrait Construction
Portrait Sitting
Visit to Valberg
Portrait Sitting
Sutherland's Lack of Confidence
Loan of Apparel
Portrait Sitting
Loan of Furniture
Anticipated Portrait Review
Disagreement about Cost
Maugham's Surprise
Maugham's Opinion of the Portrait
Portrait Reception
Portrait Production
Social Event
Social Event
Whistler's Stay in Rome
Churchill's 80th Birthday
Anticipated Portrait Display
Recommendation (Event)
Opinion of Gunn
Anticipated Portrait Presentation
Visit to Venice
Meeting at Chartwell
Sutherland's Opinion of Churchill's Art
Portrait Sitting
Disagreement about Portrait Production
Visit to Meredith
Spicer-Simson's Pitch
Anticipated Social Event
The Churchills' Opinion of Sutherland
Churchill's Opinion of Sutherland's Work
Loan of Apparel
Portrait Sitting
Portrait Construction
Acquisition by Beaverbrook
Portrait Sitting
Acquisition by Beaverbrook
Churchill's Medical Treatment
Portrait Review
The Clarks' Opinion of the Portrait
Lunch at the Sutherlands' Home
(Clementine) Churchill's Opinion of the Portrait
Portrait Sitting
Anticipated Acquisition by Beaverbrook
(Elsbeth) Juda's Opinion of Churchill's Art
Agreement about Props
Anticipated Social Event
Social Event
Portrait Review
Churchill's Opinion of the Portrait
Sutherland's Distress
Anticipated Acquisition by (Hans) Juda
Portrait Destruction
Churchill's Opinion of Sutherland's Refusal
Social Event (Bezique)
Portrait Construction
Portrait Review
Portrait Review
Portrait Reception
Churchill's Opinion of the Portrait
Churchill's Opinion of Sutherland
Portrait Presentation
Portrait Reproduction
Portrait Reception
Social Event
Anticipated Friendship between Churchill and the Sutherlands
Request for a Portrait
Vaughan Williams' Reluctance
Portrait Sitting
Anderson's Opinion of the Portrait
Anderson's Friend's Opinion of the Portrait
Portrait Reception
Recommendation (Event)
Anderson's Reading Experience
Anderson's Opinion of Thais
Destruction of a Copy of Thais
Anticipated Portrait Reproduction
De Morgan's Boredom
Portrait Sitting
Disagreement about Portrait Reproduction
Disagreement about Portrait Reproduction
Fuchs' Opinion of Forbes Robertson
Agreement to Sit
Visit to Rome
Whistler's Stay in Rome
Portrait Reception
Portrait Production
Poel's 80th Birthday
Anticipated Portrait Presentation
Anticipated Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Poel's Reluctance
Agreement to Sit
Recommendation (Event)
Recommendation (Event)
Agreement to Visit Poel
Visit to Poel
Agreement to Using Keegan
Shaw's Opinion of Poel
Tonks' Enjoyment
Anticipated Portrait Review
Portrait Review
Poel's Opinion of the Portrait
Tonks' Opinion of the Portrait
Portrait Sitting
Second World War
(Charles) Knight's Desire to Help Sickert
Sickert's Illness
Sickert's Death
Knight's Opinion of the Portrait
Agreement to Exchange Portraits
Walk to de Laszlo's Studio
Fildes Junior's Opinion of the Portrait
First World War
Visit to Hitchcock
Hitchcock's Shame
Refusal to Sit
Woolf's Fear
Agreement to Sit
Woolf's Distress
Acquisition by Simmons
Smith's Opinion of Simmons
Opinion of the Portrait
Anticipated Acquisition by Bliss
Request for a Portrait
Wood's 70th Birthday
Salisbury's Enjoyment
Acquisition by (Lady) Wood
Anticipated Portrait Display
Request for a Portrait
Anticipated Acquisition by the Royal College of Music
Agreement to Sit
Anticipated Portrait Display
Portrait Production
Social Event
Portrait Sitting
Heron's Opinion of Eliot's Opinion of the Portrait
Bonnard's Death
Acquisition by Eliot College
Portrait Display
Tea at Heron's Parents' Home
Damage to Eliot's Coat
Eliot's Opinion of Lewis
Kindness (Event)
Anticipated Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the Leicester Education Authority
Portrait Destruction
Social Event
Anticipated Social Event
Social Event
Social Event
Anticipated Acquisition by (Clementine) Churchill
Anticipated Portrait Sitting
Friendship between Nemon and the Churchills
Request for a Portrait
Portrait Sitting
Churchill's Distress
Request for a Portrait
Music Event
Beecham's Opinion of the Portrait
Acquisition by the Royal Festival Hall
Request for a Portrait
Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Exchange of Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Exchange of Information or Ideas
Exchange of a Signed Map
Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Exchange of Food or Drink
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Acceptance, Reassurance or Acknowledgement
Exchange of a Signed Object
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Exchange of Information or Ideas
Exchange of Food or Drink
Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Exchange of Acceptance, Reassurance or Acknowledgement
Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Exchange of Information or Ideas
Exchange of Information or Ideas
Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Exchange of Food or Drink
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Money
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Information or Ideas
Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Exchange of Information or Ideas
Exchange of Food or Drink
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exchange of a Signed Book
Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of a Signed Book
Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Exchange of a Signed Book
Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Exchange of Food or Drink
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Exchange of Information or Ideas
Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Information or Ideas
Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Exchange of Food or Drink
Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Acceptance, Reassurance or Acknowledgement
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Exchange of Information or Ideas
Exchange of a Dog
Exchange of Money
Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Money
Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exchange of Money
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Exchange of a Cello
Exchange of Money
Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exchange of Money
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exchange of Money
Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Exchange of Information or Ideas
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Food or Drink
Exchange of Acceptance, Reassurance or Acknowledgement
Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Food or Drink
Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exchange of Precious Metal
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exchange of Money
Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exchange of Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Food or Drink
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Information or Ideas
Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Exchange of Money
Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Exchange of Money
Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exchange of Money
Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exchange of Apparel
Exchange of Furniture
Exchange of Food or Drink
Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exchange of Money
Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Money
Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Exchange of a Cigarette or Cigar
Exchange of a Cigarette or Cigar
Exchange of Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Exchange of Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Exchange of Money
Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Exchange of Information or Ideas
Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of a Signed Object
Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exchange of Money
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exchange of Food or Drink
Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Money
Exchange of Information or Ideas
Exchange of Acceptance, Reassurance or Acknowledgement
Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Exchange of Creative Work, Intellctual Property or Rights
Exchange of Money
Exchange of Creative Work, Intellctual Property or Rights
Exchange of Money
Exchange of Money
Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Exchange of Information or Ideas
Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Money
Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exchange of Hospitality, Social Harmony or Entertainment
Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the Godalming Museum
Acquisition by Tate
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers Museum
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by National Museum Wales
Acquisition by Glasgow Museums Resource Centre
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the University of Birmingham
Acquisition by the University of Birmingham
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum
Acquisition by Manchester Art Gallery
Acquisition by the Scottish National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by Aberdeen Art Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by Canterbury Museums and Galleries
Acquisition by Manchester Art Gallery
Acquisition by Salford Museum and Art Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by Merton College, Oxford
Acquisition by The New Art Gallery, Walsall
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by Johnson
Acquisition by Tempest
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the Royal Society
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the Ulster Museum
Acquisition by Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery
Acquisition by Tate
Acquisition by a Collector
Acquisition by National Museum Wales
Acquisition by the Ingram Collection of Modern British and Contemporary Art
Acquisition by Tate
Acquisition by Bolton Town Hall
Acquisition by Merton College, Oxford
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by National Museum Wales
Acquisition by the Royal Collection
Acquisition by the Royal Collection
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the Royal Collection
Acquisition by the Royal Collection
Acquisition by the Royal Collection
Acquisition by the Royal Collection
Acquisition by the Royal Collection
Acquisition by the Royal Collection
Acquisition by the Royal Collection
Acquisition by the Royal Collection
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by Newport Museum and Art Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the Royal College of Music
Acquisition by the Higgins Bedford
Acquisition by the University of York
Acquisition by the Arts Council Collection
Acquisition by the University of Abderdeen
Acquisition by Manchester Art Gallery
Acquisition by Southampton City Art Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by Derby Museum and Art Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by UCL Art Museum
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by Tate
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the Fitzwilliam Museum
Acquisition by (Hans) Juda
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the Royal College of Music
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the British Library
Acquisition by Loehnis
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by (Alan) Anderson's Daughter
Acquisition by (Alan) Anderson
Acquisition by UCLH Arts Store
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by Reading Museum and Town Hall
Acquisition by Tate
Acquisition by Tate
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by Swindon Museum and Art Gallery
Acquisition by the British Library
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition the Royal Academy of Music
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by the Government Art Collection
Acquisition by the Parliamentary Art Collection
Acquisition by the Parliamentary Art Collection
Acquisition by the Parliamentary Art Collection
Acquisition by Imperial War Museums
Acquisition by the Government Art Collection
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by Aberdeen Art Gallery
Acquisition by the University of York
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Acquisition by Somerville College, Oxford
Acquisition by the Parliamentary Art Collection
Acquisition by the Royal Free Hospital
Acquisition by Duveen
Acquisition by the National Portrait Gallery
Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Food or Drink
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Exchange of Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Exchange of Information or Ideas
Exchange of Food or Drink
Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Exchange of Information or Ideas
Exchange of Information or Ideas
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Forbes Robertson's Ambition to Portray Fuchs
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Advice, Expertise or Instruction
Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Exchange of Satisfaction, Interest or Enjoyment
Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Anticipated Portrait Exchange
Exchange of Information or Ideas
Exchange of Information or Ideas
Exchange of Information or Ideas
Exchange of Food or Drink
Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Exchange of Offence, Dissatisfaction or Discomfort
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Food or Drink
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Business, Opportunity or Exposure
Anticipated Portrait Exchange
Anticipated Portrait Exchange
Anticipated Portrait Exchange
Exchange of a Portrait Object
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Production of an Autobiography of Augustus John, 1964
Production of a Biography of William Nicholson, 1943
Production of an Autobiography of Frank Salisbury, 1944
Production of an Autobiography of Theodore Spicer-Simson, 1962
Production of a Biography of Jacob Epstein, 1940
Production of an Article from The Lancet
Production of an Autobiography of John Lavery
Production of a Biography of William Orpen
Production of a Biography of Augustus John
Production of an Article from the Weekly Dispatch
Production of a Book about Women in Politics
Production of a Biography of Gerald Kelly
Production of an Article in The Times
Production of a Diary Entry for May 17th 1931
Production of an Autobiography of William Henry Davies
Production of an Autobiography of Jacques-Emile Blanche
Production of an Autobiography of Charles Holmes
Production of a Biography of Graham Sutherland
Production of an Interview with Graham Sutherland by Noel Barber
Production of a Biography of Rex Whistler
Production of an Interview with Elsbeth Juda by Cathy Courtney
Production of a Biography of Ralph Vaughan Williams
Production of a Biography of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson
Production of a Biography of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson
Production of a Biography of William and Evelyn De Morgan
Production of an Autobiography of Emil Fuchs
Production of an Article in The Times
Production of a Biography of Henry Tonks
Production of a Biography of William Poel
Production of a Book about the Bloomsbury Group
Production of a Tate Gallery Camden Town Group Catalogue Entry
Production of a Tate Gallery Collection Catalogue Entry
Production of a Biography of Luke Fildes
Production of an Autobiography of Michael Balcon
Production of an Interview with Alfred Hitchcock by Francois Truffaut
Production of an Interview with Jean Simmons by Barbara Cooper
Production of an Article in The Sunday Telegraph
Production of a Letter from Mark Gertler to Marjorie Gertler
Production of an Article in The Guardian
Production of a Biography of Winston Churchill
Production of an Article in The Illustrated London News
Production of a Portrait of Augustus John by William Orpen, exh.1900
Production of a Portrait of Gertrude Jekyll by William Nicholson, 1920
Production of a Portrait of Bernard Law Montgomery by Frank Salisbury, 1945
Production of a Portrait of George Meredith by Theodore Spicer-Simson, 1908
Production of a Portrait of Augustus John by Jacob Epstein, 1916
Production of a Portrait of John Galsworthy by Theodore Spicer-Simson, 1921
Production of a Portrait of Thomas Hardy by Theodore Spicer-Simson, 1921
Production of a Portrait of William Henry Hudson by Theodore Spicer-Simson, 1921
Production of a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Theodore Spicer-Simson, 1921
Production of a Portrait of Arnold Bennett by Theodore Spicer-Simson, 1922
Production of a Portrait of Robert Bridges by Theodore Spicer-Simson, 1922
Production of a Portrait of G. K. Chesterton by Theodore Spicer-Simson, c.1922
Production of a Portrait of W. H. Davies by Theodore Spicer-Simson, 1922
Production of a Portrait of Walter de la Mare by Theodore Spicer-Simson, 1922
Production of a Portrait of John Ervine by Theodore Spicer-Simson, c.1922
Production of a Portrait of Ralph Hodgson by Theodore Spicer-Simson, 1922
Production of a Portrait of A. E. Housman by Theodore Spicer-Simson, 1922
Production of a Portrait of John Masefield by Theodore Spicer-Simson, 1922
Production of a Portrait of H. G. Wells by Theodore Spicer-Simson, c.1922
Production of a Portrait of R. B. Cunninghame Graham by Jacob Epstein, 1923
Production of a Portrait of Joseph Conrad by Jacob Epstein, 1924
Production of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Jacob Epstein, 1951
Production of a Portrait of Marie Tempest by William Nicholson, 1903
Production of a Portrait of Michael Foster by John Collier, 1907
Production of a Portrait of the Royal Family by John Lavery, 1913
Production of a Portrait of John Cowans by William Orpen, c.1915
Production of a Portrait of Guilhermina Suggia by Augustus John, 1920-3
Production of a Portrait of William Lever by William Orpen, 1921
Production of a Portrait of George Saintsbury by William Nicholson, 1923 or 1925
Production of a Portrait of Dylan Thomas by Augustus John, c.1937-8
Production of a Portrait of King George VI by Gerald Kelly, 1938-45
Production of a Portrait of William Holman Hunt by William Blake Richmond, 1900
Production of a Portrait of Cecil Beaton by Frank Dobson, 1931
Production of a Portrait of William Henry Davies by Jacob Epstein, 1916
Production of a Portrait of Prince Edward by Frank Salisbury, 1917
Production of a Portrait of Ralph Vaughan Williams by Jacob Epstein, 1950
Production of a Portrait of Jawaharlal Nehru by Jacob Epstein, 1948
Production of a Portrait of Arthur Thomas Sloggett by Frank Salisbury, 1917
Production of a Portrait of James Joyce by Jacques-Emile Blanche, 1935
Production of a Portrait of Harold Lee-Dillon by Sydney Carline, 1913
Production of a Portrait of Somerset Maugham by Graham Sutherland, 1949
Production of a Portrait of Gerald Tyrwhitt-Wilson by Rex Whistler, 1929
Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Graham Sutherland, 1954
Production of a Portrait of Ralph Vaughan Williams by David McFall, 1956
Production of a Portrait of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson by John Singer Sargent, 1900
Production of a Portrait of William de Morgan by Evelyn de Morgan, 1909
Production of a Portrait of Johnston Forbes-Robertson by Emil Fuchs, c.1902
Production of a Portrait of William Poel by Henry Tonks, 1932
Production of a Portrait of Iris Tree by Vanessa Bell, 1915
Production of a Portrait of Anna Knight by Walter Sickert, 1941-2
Production of a Portrait of Luke Fildes by Philip de Laszlo, 1914
Production of a Portrait of Michael Balcon by Jacob Epstein, 1933
Production of a Portrait of Virginia Woolf by Stephen Tomlin, 1931
Production of a Portrait of Jean Simmons by Matthew Smith, c.1948-9
Production of a Portrait of William Walton by Michael Ayrton, 1948
Production of a Portrait of Arthur Bliss by Mark Gertler, 1932
Production of a Portrait of Henry Wood by Frank Salisbury, 1943
Production of a Portrait of T. S. Eliot by Patrick Heron, 1949
Production of a Portrait of Winston Churchill by Oscar Nemon, c.1952
Production of a Portrait of Thomas Beecham, 1957
Production of a Portrait of Eleanor Rathbone, 1933
Exchange of Affection, Admiration or Commitment
Exchange of Acceptance, Reassurance or Acknowledgement
Exchange of Flattery, Cooperation or Service
Production of a Portrait of Philip de Laszlo by Luke Fildes
Anticipated Portrait Production
Sickert's Opinion of Blanche
An Event
Something that happens in space and time.
Unknown Event
Conrad's Illness
Conrad's Heart Attack
Conrad's Wife's Opinion of the Portrait
Conrad's Opinion of the Portrait
Conrad's Death
Foster Junior's Active Service
Napper's Active Service
Bombing of Buckingham Palace
Prince Edward's Leave
An Event